'ITWeb/개발일반'에 해당되는 글 490건

  1. 2009.05.12 [링크]Eclipse 에서 JUnit 사용하기
  2. 2009.03.11 browser cookie restriction
  3. 2009.01.15 [펌]Perl OOP
  4. 2009.01.14 [bookmark] perl function reference...
  5. 2009.01.14 perl multi comment 사용하기.
  6. 2008.12.30 [펌]bash script
  7. 2008.12.24 [펌]JSTL
  8. 2008.12.02 window.open ...
  9. 2008.11.21 IE+Flash+Anchor 사용 시 중복으로 title 에 anchor name 붙는 버그
  10. 2008.07.30 [펌]Color Hex Code List

[링크]Eclipse 에서 JUnit 사용하기

ITWeb/개발일반 2009. 5. 12. 16:00
구글링 해보면 많이도 나와 있지요.
그래서 따로 정리는 하지 않고 잘 정리된 사이트 몇개 링크 걸어 봅니다. :)

- Junit

JUnit 과 함께 알아야 할 내용 중 TDD(Test Driven Development) 이라는게 있죠.
요즘 회사에서 개발 생산성이랑 Quality Practice 관련해서 다양한 요구사항이 나오고 있내요.

암튼 재밌다는거... ㅎㅎ


browser cookie restriction

ITWeb/개발일반 2009. 3. 11. 10:23
ref. http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2008/05/17/browser-cookie-restrictions/
ref. http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2007/08/29/update-to-internet-explorer-s-cookie-jar.aspx

I’ve been doing some research into cookies for my upcoming book and came across some interesting facts about the way browsers handle cookies. I started out by looking at the number of cookies that browsers allowed per domain. The results were interesting:

  • Microsoft indicated that Internet Explorer 8 increased the cookie limit per domain to 50 cookies but I’ve found that IE7 also allows 50 cookies per domain. Granted, this may have been increased with a system patch rather than having the browser’s first version ship like this, but it’s still more than the 20 that was commonly understood to be the limit.
  • Firefox has a per-domain cookie limit of 50 cookies.
  • Opera has a per-domain cookie limit of 30 cookies.
  • Safari/WebKit is the most interesting of all as it appears to have no perceivable limit through Safari 3.1. I tested setting up to 10,000 cookies and all of them were set and sent along in the Cookie header. The problem is that the header size exceeded the limit that the server could process, so an error occurred.

So the prevailing knowledge that browsers limit per-domain cookies to 20 is no longer valid. Another interesting inconsistency is how browsers react when too many cookies are set. With the exception of Safari, which sets all cookies regardless of the number, there are two approaches:

  1. The least recently used (LRU) approach automatically kicks out the oldest cookie when the cookie limit has been reached in order to allow the newest cookie some space. Internet Explorer and Opera use this approach.
  2. Firefox does something strange: it seems to randomly decide which cookies to keep although the last cookie set is always kept. There doesn’t seem to be any scheme it’s following at all. The takeaway? Don’t go above the cookie limit in Firefox.

The total size of cookies also varies from browser to browser. This is another one that is a little hard to comprehend, but here’s what my tests show:

  • Firefox and Safari allow cookies with up to 4097 characters, that’s 4096 for the name and value and one for the equals sign.
  • Opera allows cookies with up to 4096 characters, which is for the name, value, and equals sign.
  • Internet Explorer allows cookies with up to 4095 characters, which is for the name, value and, equals sign.

[펌]Perl OOP

ITWeb/개발일반 2009. 1. 15. 19:27

급해서.. 스크랩 부터.. ^^;

원본문서 : http://www.bjnet.edu.cn/tech/book/perl/ch19.htm

Chapter 19

Object-Oriented Programming in Perl

by Kamran Husain

Listing 19.1. The initial Cocoa.pm package. package Cocoa;
sub new {

    my $this = {};  # Create an anonymous hash, and #self points to it.

    bless $this;       # Connect the hash to the package Cocoa.

    return $this;     # Return the reference to the hash.


Listing 19.2. Creating the constructor.
1  #!/usr/bin/perl

2  push (@INC,'pwd');

3  use Cocoa;

4  $cup = new Cocoa;
sub new {

        my $class = shift;        # Get the request class name

        my $this = {};

        bless $this, $class        # Use class name to bless() reference


        return $this;



더 자세한 건 사이트 들어가서 보삼.. ㅎㅎ

perl 로 class 만드는 것 중 기본은.. package 를 만드는 것이고 pacakge 의 끝은 1; 로 끝나야 한다는거.. ㅎㅎ


[bookmark] perl function reference...

ITWeb/개발일반 2009. 1. 14. 16:44

근데 뭐.. 기냥..
http://perldoc.perl.org 들어 가서 찾아 보면.. 다 있으니.. 알아서 하세요.. :)

perl multi comment 사용하기.

ITWeb/개발일반 2009. 1. 14. 10:48

참조문서 : http://perldoc.perl.org/perlpod.html

일반적으로 line comment 는 # 으로 사용한다.
그럼 multi-line comment 는 어케 할까?

문서를 찾아 보니.. 이와 같이 하는군요..


관련 상세 내용은 위에 문서 링크 보시면 됩니다.. ^^*


[펌]bash script

ITWeb/개발일반 2008. 12. 30. 14:45

원본 URL : http://www.linuxconfig.org/Bash_scripting_Tutorial
참고 사이트 : http://www.unix.com/

This bash script tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of bash scripting.As you will soon discover in this quick comprehensive bash scripting guide, learning the bash shell scripting is very easy task. Lets begin this bash scripting tutorial with a simple "Hello World" script.

Recommended Books / Reading on this topic :

Learning the bash Shell: Unix Shell Programming]

Hello World Bash Shell Script

First you need to find out where is your bash interpreter located. Enter the following into your command line:

$ which bash
bash interpreter location: /bin/bash

Open up you favorite text editor ( Here is a tutorial where you can learn how to use vi / vim text editor. ) and a create file called hello_world.sh. Insert the following lines to a file:

<b>NOTE:Every bash shell script in this tutorial starts with shebang:"#!" which is not read as a comment. First line is also a place where you put your interpreter which is in this case: /bin/bash.

Here is our first bash shell script example:

# declare STRING variable
STRING="Hello World"
#print variable on a screen
echo $STRING

Example of simple bash shell script

Navigate to a directory where your hello_world.sh is located and make the file executable:

$ chmod +x hello_world.sh
Make bash shell script executable

Now you are ready to execute your first bash script:

execute bash shell script

Simple Backup bash shell script

tar -czf myhome_directory.tar.gz /home/linuxconfig
Simple Backup bash script


In this example we declare simple bash variable and print it on the screen ( stdout ) with echo command.

echo $STRING
String Variables in bash script

Your backup script and variables:

OF=myhome_directory_$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.gz
tar -czf $OF /home/linuxconfig
Bash backup Script with Variables

Global vs. Local variables

#Define bash global variable
#This variable is global and can be used anywhere in this bash script
VAR="global variable"
function bash {
#Define bash local variable
#This variable is local to bash function only
local VAR="local variable"
echo $VAR
echo $VAR
# Note the bash global variable did not change
# "local" is bash reserved word
echo $VAR
Global vs. Local variables in bash script

Passing arguments to the bash script

# use predefined variables to access passed arguments
#echo arguments to the shell
echo $1 $2 $3 ' -> echo $1 $2 $3'

# We can also store arguments from bash command line in special array
#echo arguments to the shell
echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]} ' -> args=("$@"); echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]}'

#use $@ to print out all arguments at once
echo $@ ' -> echo $@'

# use $# variable to print out
# number of arguments passed to the bash script
echo Number of arguments passed: $# ' -> echo Number of arguments passed: $#'
./arguments.sh Bash Scripting Tutorial
Passing arguments to the bash script

Executing shell commands with bash


# use backticks " ` ` " to execute shell command
echo `uname -o`
# executing bash command without backticks
echo uname -o

Executing shell commands with bash

Reading User Input


echo -e "Hi, please type the word: \c "
read  word
echo "The word you entered is: $word"
echo -e "Can you please enter two words? "
read word1 word2
echo "Here is your input: \"$word1\" \"$word2\""
echo -e "How do you feel about bash scripting? "
# read command now stores a reply into the default build-in variable $REPLY
echo "You said $REPLY, I'm glad to hear that! "
echo -e "What are your favorite colours ? "
# -a makes read command to read into an array
read -a colours
echo "My favorite colours are also ${colours[0]}, ${colours[1]} and ${colours[2]}:-)"
Reading User Input with bash

Bash Trap Command

# bash trap command
trap bashtrap INT
# bash clear screen command
# bash trap function is executed when CTRL-C is pressed:
# bash prints message => Executing bash trap subrutine !
    echo "CTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !"
# for loop from 1/10 to 10/10
for a in `seq 1 10`; do
    echo "$a/10 to Exit." 
    sleep 1;
echo "Exit Bash Trap Example!!!"


Declare simple bash array

#Declare array with 4 elements
ARRAY=( 'Debian Linux' 'Redhat Linux' Ubuntu Linux )
# get number of elements in the array

# echo each element in array 
# for loop
for (( i=0;i<$ELEMENTS;i++)); do
    echo ${ARRAY[${i}]}
Declare simple bash array

Read file into bash array

#Declare array 
declare -a ARRAY
#Open file for reading to array
exec 10<bash.txt
let count=0

while read LINE <&10; do


echo Number of elements: ${#ARRAY[@]}
# echo array's content
echo ${ARRAY[@]}
# close file 
exec 10>&-
Read file into bash array

Bash if/else statements

Simple Bash if/else statement

Please note the spacing inside the [ and ] brackets! Without the spaces, it won't work!


# bash check if directory exists
if [ -d $directory ]; then
	echo "Directory exists"
	echo "Directory does not exists"

Bash if else statement

Nested if/else


# Declare variable choice and assign value 4
# Print to stdout
 echo "1. Bash"
 echo "2. Scripting"
 echo "3. Tutorial"
 echo -n "Please choose a word [1,2 or 3]? "
# Loop while the variable choice is equal 4
# bash while loop
while [ $choice -eq 4 ]; do

# read user input
read choice
# bash nested if/else
if [ $choice -eq 1 ] ; then

        echo "You have chosen word: Bash"


        if [ $choice -eq 2 ] ; then
                 echo "You have chosen word: Scripting"
                if [ $choice -eq 3 ] ; then
                        echo "You have chosen word: Tutorial"
                        echo "Please make a choice between 1-3 !"
                        echo "1. Bash"
                        echo "2. Scripting"
                        echo "3. Tutorial"
                        echo -n "Please choose a word [1,2 or 3]? "
Nested Bash if else statement

Bash Comparisons

Arithmetic Comparisons

# declare integers
if [ $NUM1 -eq $NUM2 ]; then
	echo "Both Values are equal"
	echo "Values are NOT equal"
Bash Arithmetic Comparisons - values are equal
# declare integers
if [ $NUM1 -eq $NUM2 ]; then
	echo "Both Values are equal"
	echo "Values are NOT equal"
Bash Arithmetic Comparisons - values are NOT equal
# declare integers
if   [ $NUM1 -eq $NUM2 ]; then
	echo "Both Values are equal"
elif [ $NUM1 -gt $NUM2 ]; then
	echo "NUM1 is greater then NUM2"
	echo "NUM2 is greater then NUM1"
Bash Arithmetic Comparisons - greater then

String Comparisons

not equal
less then
greater then
-n s1
string s1 is not empty
-z s1
string s1 is empty
#Declare string S1
#Declare string S2
if [ $S1 = $S2 ]; then
	echo "Both Strings are equal"
	echo "Strings are NOT equal"
Bash String Comparisons - values are NOT equal
#Declare string S1
#Declare string S2
if [ $S1 = $S2 ]; then
	echo "Both Strings are equal"
	echo "Strings are NOT equal"
Bash String Comparisons - values are equal

Bash File Testing

-b filename Block special file
-c filename Special character file
-d directoryname Check for directory existence
-e filename Check for file existence
-f filename Check for regular file existence not a directory
-G filename Check if file exists and is owned by effective group ID.
-g filename true if file exists and is set-group-id.
-k filename Sticky bit
-L filename Symbolic link
-O filename True if file exists and is owned by the effective user id.
-r filename Check if file is a readable
-S filename Check if file is socket
-s filename Check if file is nonzero size
-u filename Check if file set-ser-id bit is set
-w filename Check if file is writable
-x filename Check if file is executable
if [ -e $file ]; then
	echo "File exists"
	echo "File does not exists"
Bash File Testing - File does not exist
Bash File Testing - File exists

Similarly for example we can use while loop to check if file does not exists. This script will sleep until file does exists. Note bash negator "!" which negates the -e option.


while [ ! -e myfile ]; do
# Sleep until file does exists/is created
sleep 1


Bash for loop


# bash for loop
for f in $( ls /var/ ); do
	echo $f

Running for loop from bash shell command line:

$ for f in $( ls /var/ ); do echo $f; done
Bash for loop

Bash while loop

# bash while loop
while [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; do
	echo Value of count is: $COUNT
Bash while loop

Bash until loop

# bash until loop
until [ $COUNT -gt 5 ]; do
        echo Value of count is: $COUNT
        let COUNT=COUNT+1
Bash until loop

Control bash loop with <STDIN>

Here is a example of while loop controlled by standard input. Until the redirection chain from STDOUT to STDIN to the read command exists the while loop continues.

# This bash script will locate and replace spaces
# in the filenames
# Controlling a loop with bash read command by redirecting STDOUT as
# a STDIN to while loop
# find will not truncate filenames containing spaces
find $DIR -type f | while read file; do
# using POSIX class [:space:] to find space in the filename
if [[ "$file" = *[[:space:]]* ]]; then
# substitute space with "_" character and consequently rename the file
mv "$file" `echo $file | tr ' ' '_'`
# end of while loop

Bash script to replace spaces in the filenames with _

Bash Functions

function function_B {
        echo Function B.
function function_A {
        echo $1
function function_D {
        echo Function D.
function function_C {
        echo $1
# Pass parameter to function A
function_A "Function A."
# Pass parameter to function C
function_C "Function C."
Bash Functions

Bash Select


PS3='Choose one word: ' 

# bash select
select word in "linux" "bash" "scripting" "tutorial" 
  echo "The word you have selected is: $word"
# Break, otherwise endless loop

exit 0
Bash Select

Case statement conditional

echo "What is your preferred programming / scripting language"
echo "1) bash"
echo "2) perl"
echo "3) phyton"
echo "4) c++"
echo "5) I do not know !"
read case;
#simple case bash structure
# note in this case $case is variable and does not have to
# be named case this is just an example
case $case in
    1) echo "You selected bash";;
    2) echo "You selected perl";;
    3) echo "You selected phyton";;
    4) echo "You selected c++";;
    5) exit

bash case statement conditional

Bash quotes and quotations

Quotations and quotes are important part of bash and bash scripting. Here are some bash quotes and quotations basics.

Escaping Meta characters

Before we start with quotes and quotations we should know something about escaping meta characters. Escaping will suppress a special meaning of meta characters and therefore meta characters will be read by bash literally. To do this we need to use backslash "\" character. Example:


#Declare bash string variable
BASH_VAR="Bash Script"

# echo variable BASH_VAR
echo $BASH_VAR

#when meta character such us "$" is escaped with "\" it will be read literally
echo \$BASH_VAR 

# backslash has also special meaning and it can be suppressed with yet another "\"
echo "\\"

escaping meta characters in bash

Single quotes

Single quotes in bash will suppress special meaning of every meta characters. Therefore meta characters will be read literally. It is not possible to use another single quote within two single quotes not even if the single quote is escaped by backslash.


#Declare bash string variable
BASH_VAR="Bash Script"

# echo variable BASH_VAR
echo $BASH_VAR

# meta characters special meaning in bash is suppressed when  using single quotes 
echo '$BASH_VAR  "$BASH_VAR"'

Using single quotes in bash

Double Quotes

Double quotes in bash will suppress special meaning of every meta characters except "$", "\" and "`". Any other meta characters will be read literally. It is also possible to use single quote within double quotes. If we need to use double quotes within double quotes bash can read them literally when escaping them with "\". Example:


#Declare bash string variable
BASH_VAR="Bash Script"

# echo variable BASH_VAR
echo $BASH_VAR

# meta characters and its special meaning in bash is 
# suppressed when using double quotes except "$", "\" and "`"

echo "It's $BASH_VAR  and \"$BASH_VAR\" using backticks: `date`"

Using double quotes in bash

Bash quoting with ANSI-C style

There is also another type of quoting and that is ANSI-C. In this type of quoting characters escaped with "\" will gain special meaning according to the ANSI-C standard.

alert (bell)
an escape character
form feed
carriage return
horizontal tab
vertical tab
single quote
octal value of characters ( see ASCII table )
hexadecimal value of characters ( see ASCII table )

The syntax fo ansi-c bash quoting is: $'<your string>' . Here is an example:


# as a example we have used \n as a new line, \x40 is hex value for @
# and \56 is octal value for .
echo $'web: www.linuxconfig.org\nemail: web\x40linuxconfig\56org'

quoting in bash with ansi-c stype

Arithmetic Operations

Simple Bash Addition Calculator Example


let RESULT1=$1+$2
echo $1+$2=$RESULT1 ' -> # let RESULT1=$1+$2'
declare -i RESULT2
echo $1+$2=$RESULT2 ' -> # declare -i RESULT2; RESULT2=$1+$2'
echo $1+$2=$(($1 + $2)) ' -> # $(($1 + $2))'

Bash Addition Calculator

Bash Arithmetics


echo '### let ###'
# bash addition
let ADDITION=3+5
echo "3 + 5 =" $ADDITION

# bash subtraction
echo "7 - 8 =" $SUBTRACTION 

# bash multiplication
echo "5 * 8 =" $MULTIPLICATION

# bash division
let DIVISION=4/2
echo "4 / 2 =" $DIVISION

# bash modulus
let MODULUS=9%4
echo "9 % 4 =" $MODULUS

# bash power of two
echo "2 ^ 2 =" $POWEROFTWO

echo '### Bash Arithmetic Expansion ###'
# There are two formats for arithmetic expansion: $[ expression ] 
# and $(( expression #)) its your choice which you use

echo 4 + 5 = $((4 + 5))
echo 7 - 7 = $[ 7 - 7 ]
echo 4 x 6 = $((3 * 2))
echo 6 / 3 = $((6 / 3))
echo 8 % 7 = $((8 % 7))
echo 2 ^ 8 = $[ 2 ** 8 ]

echo '### Declare ###'

echo -e "Please enter two numbers \c"
# read user input
read num1 num2
declare -i result
echo "Result is:$result "

# bash convert binary number 10001
echo $result

# bash convert octal number 16
echo $result

# bash convert hex number 0xE6A
echo $result
Arithmetic Operations

Round floating point number

# get floating point number
echo $floating_point_number
# round floating point number with bash
for bash_rounded_number in $(printf %.0f $floating_point_number); do
echo "Rounded number with bash:" $bash_rounded_number

Round floating point number with bash

Bash floating point calculations

# Simple linux bash calculator 
echo "Enter input:" 
read userinput
echo "Result with 2 digits after decimal point:"
echo "scale=2; ${userinput}" | bc 
echo "Result with 10 digits after decimal point:"
echo "scale=10; ${userinput}" | bc 
echo "Result as rounded integer:"
echo $userinput | bc

Bash floating point calculations


STDOUT from bash script to STDERR


echo "Redirect this STDOUT to STDERR" 1>&2

To proof that STDOUT is redirected to STDERR we can redirect script's output to file:

STDOUT from bash script to STDERR

STDERR from bash script to STDOUT


cat $1 2>&1

To proof that STDERR is redirected to STDOUT we can redirect script's output to file:

STDERR from bash script to STDOUT

stdout to screen

The simple way to redirect a standard output ( stdout ) is to simply use any command, because by default stdout is automatically redirected to screen.

cat /proc/partitions
bash stdout to screen

stdout to file

Here we use ">" to redirect stdout to a file "partitions.txt".

cat /proc/partitions > partitions.txt
bash stdout to file

stderr to file

In this example you will redirect the standard error ( stderr ) to a file and stdout to a default screen.

grep -r hda6 * . 2> stderr.txt
bash stderr to file

stdout to stderr

In this case the output of a command will be written to the same descriptor as a stderr.

grep -r hda6 * . 1>&2 stderr.txt
bash stdout to stderr

stderr to stdout

In this case the stderr of a command will be written to the same descriptor as a stdout.

grep -r hda6 * . 2>&1 stderr.txt
stderr to stdout

stderr and stdout to file

grep -r hda6 * . &> stderr_and_stdout.txt
stderr and stdout to file


ITWeb/개발일반 2008. 12. 24. 15:16

시간이 없다는 핑계로 또 다시 펌질을.. 하고 있다는.. ㅡ.ㅡ;;

[출처 : 자바지기]
jstl - API : http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl/1.1/docs/tlddocs/index.html


  • J2EE 소형 클라이언트 기술인 JSP(JavaServer Pages)가 지난 몇 년 동안 널리 일반화되면서 독립적인 개발자들은 많은 사용자 정
    의 JSP 태그 라이브러리를 만들었습니다. 이러한 태그 라이브러리는 대부분 서로 다른 목표를 달성하도록 작성되었지만 반복, 조건 등의 일
    반적인 작업을 위한 유사한 솔루션을 제공하는 경향이 있습니다.
    유사하고 일반적이 문제점을 해결하는 독립적인 태그 라이브러리에 대한 필요성을 줄이기 위해 Java Community Process(JSR 52)의 지
    원하에 JSTL(JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library)이 개발되었습니다. JSTL은 이러한 일반 기능을 처리하는 하나의 표준 솔루션
    을 제공합니다. (말그대로 표준태그라이브러리)
  • JSTL의 주요 강점 중 하나는 서블릿 컨텍스트에 저장된 데이타 같은 애플리케이션 데이타를 액세스 및 조작하는 쉬운 방법을 제공하는 간
    단한 EL을 사용할 수 있다는 것입니다.

EL 에 대하여

설치 방법

  • http://cvs.apache.org/builds/jakarta-taglibs/nightly/ 에서 다운
    에서 jstl 과 standard 파일 을 이 두개의 jar 파일을 우리의 웹애플리케이션의 /WEB-INF/lib 폴더에 넣습니다
    그 다음 tld 폴더의 tld 파일을 /WEB-INF/lib/tld 폴더 아래 넣습니다.
  • web.xml 에
        <!-- jstl 1.2 taglig -->

    를 추가한다.

  • jsp 에 추가
         <%@ taglib uri="jstl-c" prefix="c" %>
        <%@ taglib uri="jstl-fmt" prefix="fmt" %>
        <%@ taglib uri="jstl-fn" prefix="fn" %>

사용 예(기본 문법)

Area Subfunction Prefix Description
Core Variable support c 변수지원
Core Flow control c 흐름제어
Core URL management c URL 처리
Core Miscellaneous c  
XML Core x XML 코어
XML Flow control x 흐름 제어
XML Transformation x XML 변환
I18n Locale fmt 지역
I18n Message formatting fmt 메시지 형식
I18n Number and date formatting fmt 숫자 및 날짜 형식
Database SQL sql SQL
Functions Collection length fn 콜렉션 처리
Functions String manipulation fn String 처리

http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl/1.1/docs/tlddocs/index.html 참고

  • 변수지원태그
    set: <c:set var="varName" scope="session" value="someValue">
    var속성은 값을 지정할 변수의 이름
    <c:set t a r g e t ="" property="userName" value="someValue">
    target : 빈 프로퍼티나 맵 값을 설정한다.(Object)
    var와 target을 동시에 사용할 수 없다.
    scope속성은 변수가 위치하는 영역(page,request,session,application)
    value :저장하는 값
    remove :<c:remove var="varName" scope="session">
    var :삭제할 변수의 이름
    scope 속성은 삭제할 변수의 영역
    out : <c:out value="">
    value속성은 출력하려는 값
    catch : <c:catch var="">
    예외사항이 한번이라도 발생시 </c:catch>로 점프
    var에 정의 된 객체를 페이지 생존범위에 자동으로 묶어 나중에 var에 정의된 변수이름을 사용할 수 있다.
    예외 발생시
    : var 속성 사용시 exception 객체를 설정.
    <c:catch> 문 밖으로 제어가 떨어진다
    <c:set var="num1" value="${20}" />
	<c:set var="num2">
	<c:set var="today" value="<%= new java.util.Date()%>" /><br>

	변수 num1 = ${num1} <br>
	변수 num2 = ${num2} <br>
	num1 + num2 = ${num1+num2}<br>
	오늘은 ${today}입니다.
	<c:remove var="num1" scope="page" />
	삭제한 후의  num1=${num1} <br>
	삭제한 후의 num1 + num2 = ${num1 + num2}
       <c:catch var="myException">
     	It's catch
         <% int x = 10/0; %>
       <c:if test="${myException != null}">
           발생된 예외는 : ${myException.message} <br>
  • URL 관련
    import : <c:import url=""/>
    url속성에 명기한 파일을 현재 컨텐츠에 포함
    param : <c:param name="" value=""/>
    <jsp:param />과 같은 역할
    url : <c:url value="" var=""/>
    value에 들어있는 상대 경로 뒤에 jsessionid를 추가한다.(쿠키를 사용 못하는 경우)
    var : 옵션 속성으로 url을 참조하기 위해쓴다.
    redirect :<c:redirect url="' context=""/>
    context : url경로의 이름
    <c:import url="Header.jsp" >
	<c:param name="subTitle" value="This is subTitle"/>
  • 흐름제어 태그
    if : <c:if test="조건"> </c:if>
    test속성의 값에는 "조건"이 오는데 이 조건문의 결과값이 true 면 처리
       <c:if test="true">
         무조건 수행<br>
        <c:if test="${param.name == 'bk'}">
          name 파라미터의 값이 ${param.name}입니다 <br>
        <c:if test="${param.name eq 'bk'}">
          name 파라미터의 값이 ${param.name}입니다 <br>
        <c:if test="${18 < param.age}">
    	 당신의 나이는 18세 이상입니다.

    choose,when,otherwise : <c:choose>
    <c:when test="조건">
    choose 태그는 자바의 switch 문과 if-else 의 혼합한 형태, 다수의 조건문을 하나의 블록에서 수행하고자 할때 사용
    -> switch문과의 차이점은 중간에 빠져 나가지 못한다는 것이다.
    -> when 의 어느 하나에도 실행되지 않을때 otherwise 실행
    -> otherswise 태그가 반드시 있어야 하는것은 아니다.

       <c:when test="${param.name == 'bk' }">
	<li>당신의 이름은 ${param.name}입니다.
     <c:when test="${param.age > 18 }">
	<li>당신은 18세 이상입니다.

	<li> 당신은 'bk'가 아니고 18세 이상이 아닙니다.

forEach : <c:forEach var="변수" items="아이템" begin="시작값" end="끝값" step="증가값">
item 속성에 올수 있는 것들로는 Map,배열,Collection 이 있다.
varStatus는 javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus 객체 인스턴스변수를 만들며 count라는 프로퍼티가 있어 몇번의 회전인지 알 수있다.

       <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="9">
	<li>4 *${i} = ${4 *i}

       <h4>int 형 배열</h4>

       <c:forEach var="i" items="${intArray}" begin="2" end="4">

       <c:forEach var="i" items="${map}">
	  ${i.key} = ${i.value}<br>

       <c:forEach var="member" items="${memberList}" varStatus="memberLoopCount">
	  회원 $(memberLoopCount.count} : ${member} <br>

forTokens : <c:forTockens var="token" items="문자열" delins="구분자">
forTokens 태그는 StringTokenizer 와 같은 기능을 제공한다.

       <c:forTokens var="token" items="빨강색, 주황색, 노란색, 초록색, 파랑색, 남색, 보라색" delims=",">
  • 숫자 및 날짜 지원 형식
    The JSTL formatting actions allow various data elements in a JSP page, such as numbers,dates and times
    to be formatted and parsed in a locale-sensitive or customized manner.

formatNumber : 숫자 형식을 표현

      number  : <fmt:formatNumber value="9876543.61" type="number"/>
      currency: <fmt:formatNumber value="9876543.61" type="currency"/>
      percent : <fmt:formatNumber type="percent">9876543.61</fmt:formatNumber>

      pattern=".000"    :<fmt:formatNumber value="9876543.61" pattern=".000" />
      pattern="#,#00.0#":<fmt:formatNumber value="9876543.612345" pattern="#,#00.0#"/>

parseNumber : 정해진 패턴을 문자열에서 수치를 파싱해내는 태그
formatDate :날짜 형식을 표현

      <jsp:useBean id="now" class="java.util.Date"/>
         <c:out value="${now}"/>
           date: <fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="date"/>
           time: <fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="time"/>
           both: <fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="both"/>

           default:<fmt:formatDate value="${now}"
                        type="both" dateStyle="default" timeStyle="default"/>
           short  :<fmt:formatDate value="${now}"
                        type="both" dateStyle="short"   timeStyle="short"  />
           medium :<fmt:formatDate value="${now}"
                        type="both" dateStyle="medium"  timeStyle="medium" />
           long   :<fmt:formatDate value="${now}"
                        type="both" dateStyle="long"    timeStyle="long"   />
           full   :<fmt:formatDate value="${now}"
                        type="both" dateStyle="full"    timeStyle="full"   />

          pattern="yyyy년MM월dd일 HH시mm분ss초"
             <fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="both"
                             pattern="yyyy년MM월dd일 HH시mm분ss초"/>
         <fmt:formatDate value="${now}" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd" />

parseDate :정해진 패턴의 문자열에서 날짜를 파싱해내는 태그
timeZone : <fmt:timeZone value=""/>

setTimeZone : <fmt:timeZone value="" var="" scope=""/>

  • 국제화
    message <fmt:message
    setLocale <fmt:setLocale
    bundle <fmt:bundle
    setBundle <fmt:setBundle
    param <fmt:param
    requestEncoding <fmt:requestEncoding
  • SQL
    <sql:query sql="sqlQuery" var="varName" [scope="{page|request|session|application}"]
    [dataSource="dataSource"] [maxRows="maxRows"] [startRow="startRow"]>
         <sql:query var="customers" dataSource="${dataSource}">
          SELECT * FROM customers
          WHERE country ='China'
          ORDER BY lastname
          <c:forEach var="row" items="">
               <td><c:out value="${row.lastName}"/></td>
               <td><c:out value="${row.firstName}"/></td>
               <td><c:out value="${row.address}"/></td>


  • XML 코어
  • 흐름제어
  • XML 변환
  • function
         <c:if test="${fn:contains(name, searchString)}">
         <c:if test="${fn:containsIgnoreCase(name, searchString)}">
         <c:if test="${fn:endsWith(filename, ".txt")}">
         ${fn:indexOf(name, "-")}
         ${fn:join(array, ";")} 
         You have ${fn:length(shoppingCart.products)} in your shopping cart.
         ${fn:replace(text, "-", "•")}
         ${fn:split(customerNames, ";")}
         <c:if test="${fn:startsWith(product.id, "100-")}">
         P.O. Box: ${fn:substring(zip, 6, -1)}
         P.O. Box: ${fn:substringAfter(zip, "-")}
         Zip (without P.O. Box): ${fn:substringBefore(zip, "-")}
         Product name: ${fn.toLowerCase(product.name)}
         Product name: ${fn.UpperCase(product.name)}
         Name: ${fn.trim(name)}

window.open ...

ITWeb/개발일반 2008. 12. 2. 17:42

요즘 웹표준화 관련해서.. widow.open 으로 띄운 팝업창에 대해서 하도 의견들이 많아.. 기냥 MDC 에 있는 이미지 하나 퍼 나릅니다..

참고 URL : https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/Window.open
OS+Browser 별 테스트 하다 이건 이렇고 저건 저렇고 고민 고민 하지마.. ㅋ
이 노무 crossbrowsing.. ㅋㅋ

IE+Flash+Anchor 사용 시 중복으로 title 에 anchor name 붙는 버그

ITWeb/개발일반 2008. 11. 21. 16:40


This is bug FP-240 at Adobe:


Vote for the bug there if you want to see it fixed.

This bug has been identified as bug 312 for IE7 here:


Hopefully IE8 will fix this.

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
 window.onload = function()
  document.title = "Your site name here";

// ]]>


[펌]Color Hex Code List

ITWeb/개발일반 2008. 7. 30. 21:31
가끔.. 급하게 color hex code 가 필요 할때가 있더라구요.. ^^*
뭐.. 걍 검색해서 찾을 수도 있지만..
저도 걍.. 하나 정도는 스크랩 해서 가지고 있음 좋을것 같아서.. ㅎㅎ

ref. http://www.colourlovers.com/blog/2007/06/30/ultimate-html-color-hex-code-list/

Standard 16 Named Color Codes

 Black or 000000  Gray or 808080  Silver or C0C0C0  White or FFFFFF
 Navy or 000080  Blue or 0000FF  Teal or 008080  Aqua or 00FFFF
 Purple or 800080  Maroon or 800000  Red or FF0000  Fuschia or FF00FF
 Green or 008000  Lime or 00FF00  Olive or 808000  Yellow or FFFF00

216 Web Safe Color Codes

 000000  000033  000066  000099  0000CC  0000FF
 003300  003333  003366  003399  0033CC  0033FF
 006600  006633  006666  006699  0066CC  0066FF
 009900  009933  009966  009999  0099CC  0099FF
 00CC00  00CC33  00CC66  00CC99  00CCCC  00CCFF
 00FF00  00FF33  00FF66  00FF99  00FFCC  00FFFF
 330000  330033  330066  330099  3300CC  3300FF
 333300  333333  333366  333399  3333CC  3333FF
 336600  336633  336666  336699  3366CC  3366FF
 339900  339933  339966  339999  3399CC  3399FF
 33CC00  33CC33  33CC66  33CC99  33CCCC  33CCFF
 33FF00  33FF33  33FF66  33FF99  33FFCC  33FFFF
 660000  660033  660066  660099  6600CC  6600FF
 663300  663333  663366  663399  6633CC  6633FF
 666600  666633  666666  666699  6666CC  6666FF
 669900  669933  669966  669999  6699CC  6699FF
 66CC00  66CC33  66CC66  66CC99  66CCCC  66CCFF
 66FF00  66FF33  66FF66  66FF99  66FFCC  66FFFF
 990000  990033  990066  990099  9900CC  9900FF
 993300  993333  993366  993399  9933CC  9933FF
 996600  996633  996666  996699  9966CC  9966FF
 999900  999933  999966  999999  9999CC  9999FF
 99CC00  99CC33  99CC66  99CC99  99CCCC  99CCFF
 99FF00  99FF33  99FF66  99FF99  99FFCC  99FFFF
 CC0000  CC0033  CC0066  CC0099  CC00CC  CC00FF
 CC3300  CC3333  CC3366  CC3399  CC33CC  CC33FF
 CC6600  CC6633  CC6666  CC6699  CC66CC  CC66FF
 CC9900  CC9933  CC9966  CC9999  CC99CC  CC99FF
 FF0000  FF0033  FF0066  FF0099  FF00CC  FF00FF
 FF3300  FF3333  FF3366  FF3399  FF33CC  FF33FF
 FF6600  FF6633  FF6666  FF6699  FF66CC  FF66FF
 FF9900  FF9933  FF9966  FF9999  FF99CC  FF99FF

Red Based Tints and Shades

 8B8B8B  8B8B7E  8B8B63  8B8B5A  8B8B45  8B8B2A  8B8B13  8B8B00
 FFE7FF  FFE7E7  FFE7B6  FFE7A5  FFE77F  FFE74E  FFE723  FFE700
 EED8EE  EED8D8  EED8AA  EED89A  EED877  EED849  EED821  EED800
 8B7E8B  8B7E7E  8B7E63  8B7E5A  8B7E45  8B7E2A  8B7E13  8B7E00
 FFB6FF  FFB6E7  FFB6B6  FFB6A5  FFB67F  FFB64E  FFB623  FFB600
 CD92CD  CD92BA  CD9292  CD9285  CD9266  CD923F  CD921C  CD9200
 8B638B  8B637E  8B6363  8B635A  8B6345  8B632A  8B6313  8B6300
 FFA5FF  FFA5E7  FFA5B6  FFA5A5  FFA57F  FFA54E  FFA523  FFA500
 EE9AEE  EE9AD8  EE9AAA  EE9A9A  EE9A77  EE9A49  EE9A21  EE9A00
 CD85CD  CD85BA  CD8592  CD8585  CD8566  CD853F  CD851C  CD8500
 8B5A8B  8B5A7E  8B5A63  8B5A5A  8B5A45  8B5A2A  8B5A13  8B5A00
 FF7FFF  FF7FE7  FF7FB6  FF7FA5  FF7F7F  FF7F4E  FF7F23  FF7F00
 EE77EE  EE77D8  EE77AA  EE779A  EE7777  EE7749  EE7721  EE7700
 CD66CD  CD66BA  CD6692  CD6685  CD6666  CD663F  CD661C  CD6600
 8B458B  8B457E  8B4563  8B455A  8B4545  8B452A  8B4513  8B4500
 FF60FF  FF60EA  FF60BD  FF60AE  FF608C  FF6060  FF6039  FF6019
 FF4EFF  FF4EE7  FF4EB6  FF4EA5  FF4E7F  FF4E4E  FF4E23  FF4E00
 EE49EE  EE49D8  EE49AA  EE499A  EE4977  EE4949  EE4921  EE4900
 CD3FCD  CD3FBA  CD3F92  CD3F85  CD3F66  CD3F3F  CD3F1C  CD3F00
 8B2A8B  8B2A7E  8B2A63  8B2A5A  8B2A45  8B2A2A  8B2A13  8B2A00
 FF91FF  FF91F3  FF91DA  FF91D2  FF91BF  FF91A6  FF9191  FF917F
 FF39FF  FF39EA  FF39BD  FF39AE  FF398C  FF3960  FF3939  FF3919
 FF23FF  FF23E7  FF23B6  FF23A5  FF237F  FF234E  FF2323  FF2300
 EE21EE  EE21D8  EE21AA  EE219A  EE2177  EE2149  EE2121  EE2100
 CD1CCD  CD1CBA  CD1C92  CD1C85  CD1C66  CD1C3F  CD1C1C  CD1C00
 8B138B  8B137E  8B1363  8B135A  8B1345  8B132A  8B1313  8B1300
 FF19FF  FF19EA  FF19BD  FF19AE  FF198C  FF1960  FF1939  FF1919
 FF00FF  FF00E7  FF00B6  FF00A5  FF007F  FF004E  FF0023  FF0000
 EE00EE  EE00D8  EE00AA  EE009A  EE0077  EE0049  EE0021  EE0000
 CD00CD  CD00BA  CD0092  CD0085  CD0066  CD003F  CD001C  CD0000
 8B008B  8B007E  8B0063  8B005A  8B0045  8B002A  8B0013  8B0000

Green Based Tints and Shades

 8B8B8B  8B8B7E  8B8B63  8B8B5A  8B8B45  8B8B2A  8B8B13  8B8B00
 E7FFFF  E7FFE7  E7FFB6  E7FFA5  E7FF7F  E7FF4E  E7FF23  E7FF00
 D8EEEE  D8EED8  D8EEAA  D8EE9A  D8EE77  D8EE49  D8EE21  D8EE00
 7E8B8B  7E8B7E  7E8B63  7E8B5A  7E8B45  7E8B2A  7E8B13  7E8B00
 B6FFFF  B6FFE7  B6FFB6  B6FFA5  B6FF7F  B6FF4E  B6FF23  B6FF00
 92CDCD  92CDBA  92CD92  92CD85  92CD66  92CD3F  92CD1C  92CD00
 638B8B  638B7E  638B63  638B5A  638B45  638B2A  638B13  638B00
 A5FFFF  A5FFE7  A5FFB6  A5FFA5  A5FF7F  A5FF4E  A5FF23  A5FF00
 9AEEEE  9AEED8  9AEEAA  9AEE9A  9AEE77  9AEE49  9AEE21  9AEE00
 85CDCD  85CDBA  85CD92  85CD85  85CD66  85CD3F  85CD1C  85CD00
 5A8B8B  5A8B7E  5A8B63  5A8B5A  5A8B45  5A8B2A  5A8B13  5A8B00
 7FFFFF  7FFFE7  7FFFB6  7FFFA5  7FFF7F  7FFF4E  7FFF23  7FFF00
 77EEEE  77EED8  77EEAA  77EE9A  77EE77  77EE49  77EE21  77EE00
 66CDCD  66CDBA  66CD92  66CD85  66CD66  66CD3F  66CD1C  66CD00
 458B8B  458B7E  458B63  458B5A  458B45  458B2A  458B13  458B00
 60FFFF  60FFEA  60FFBD  60FFAE  60FF8C  60FF60  60FF39  60FF19
 4EFFFF  4EFFE7  4EFFB6  4EFFA5  4EFF7F  4EFF4E  4EFF23  4EFF00
 49EEEE  49EED8  49EEAA  49EE9A  49EE77  49EE49  49EE21  49EE00
 3FCDCD  3FCDBA  3FCD92  3FCD85  3FCD66  3FCD3F  3FCD1C  3FCD00
 2A8B8B  2A8B7E  2A8B63  2A8B5A  2A8B45  2A8B2A  2A8B13  2A8B00
 91FFFF  91FFF3  91FFDA  91FFD2  91FFBF  91FFA6  91FF91  91FF7F
 39FFFF  39FFEA  39FFBD  39FFAE  39FF8C  39FF60  39FF39  39FF19
 23FFFF  23FFE7  23FFB6  23FFA5  23FF7F  23FF4E  23FF23  23FF00
 21EEEE  21EED8  21EEAA  21EE9A  21EE77  21EE49  21EE21  21EE00
 1CCDCD  1CCDBA  1CCD92  1CCD85  1CCD66  1CCD3F  1CCD1C  1CCD00
 138B8B  138B7E  138B63  138B5A  138B45  138B2A  138B13  138B00
 19FFFF  19FFEA  19FFBD  19FFAE  19FF8C  19FF60  19FF39  19FF19
 00FFFF  00FFE7  00FFB6  00FFA5  00FF7F  00FF4E  00FF23  00FF00
 00EEEE  00EED8  00EEAA  00EE9A  00EE77  00EE49  00EE21  00EE00
 00CDCD  00CDBA  00CD92  00CD85  00CD66  00CD3F  00CD1C  00CD00
 008B8B  008B7E  008B63  008B5A  008B45  008B2A  008B13  008B00

Blue Based Tints and Shades

 8B8B8B  7E8B8B  638B8B  5A8B8B  458B8B  2A8B8B  138B8B  008B8B
 FFE7FF  E7E7FF  B6E7FF  A5E7FF  7FE7FF  4EE7FF  23E7FF  00E7FF
 EED8EE  D8D8EE  AAD8EE  9AD8EE  77D8EE  49D8EE  21D8EE  00D8EE
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