강화 석모도 보문사

Legacy 2010. 3. 13. 10:25
원본사진보러가기 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/26089147@N00/sets/72157623453724407/




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xwork configuration

ITWeb/개발일반 2010. 3. 11. 22:32
원본글 : http://wiki.opensymphony.com/display/XW/Configuring+XWork+in+xwork.xml
원본글 :

Attribute Required Description
name yes key to for other packages to reference
extends no inherits package behavior of the package it extends
namespace no see Namespace Configuration
abstract no declares package to be abstract (no action configurations required in package)

<package name="default">
    <action name="foo" class="mypackage.simpleAction>
        <result name="success" type="dispatcher">greeting.jsp</result>
    <action name="bar" class="mypackage.simpleAction">
        <result name="success" type="dispatcher">bar1.jsp</result>

<package name="mypackage1" namespace="/">
    <action name="moo" class="mypackage.simpleActtion">
        <result name="success" type="dispatcher">moo.jsp</result>

<package name="mypackage2" namespace="/barspace">
    <action name="bar" class="mypackage.simpleAction">
        <result name="success" type="dispatcher">bar2.jsp</result>

    <include file="xwork-default.xml"/>
    <include file="xwork-extension.xml"/>
    <include file="xwork-mail.xml"/>
    <include file="xwork-xmlrpc.xml"/>


Actions are the basic "unit-of-work" in XWork, they define, well, actions. An action will usually be a request, (and usually a button click, or form submit). The main action element has two parts, the friendly name (referenced in the URL, i.e. saveForm.action) and the corresponding "handler" class.

<action name="formTest" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.example.SampleAction" method="processSample">

The optional "method" parameter tells XWork which method to call based upon this action. If you leave the method parameter blank, XWork will call the method execute() by default. If there is no execute() method and no method specified in the xml file, XWork will throw an exception.

<package name="myPackage" ....>


<default-action-ref name="simpleViewResultAction">

An example of a default action that is just a simple class
that has 3 fields: successUrl, errorUrl, and inputUrl.  This action
parses the request url to set the result values.  In the normal case
it just renders velocity results of the same name as the requested url.
<action name="simpleViewResultAction" class="SimpleViewResultAction">
<result type="velocity">${successUrl}</result>
<result name="error" type="velocity">${errorUrl}</result>
<result name="input" type="velocity">${inputUrl}</result>



Result tags tell XWork what to do next after the action has been called. There are a standard set of result codes built-in to XWork, (in the Action interface) they include:

String SUCCESS = "success";
String NONE    = "none";
String ERROR   = "error";
String INPUT   = "input";
String LOGIN   = "login";

You can extend these as you see fit. Most of the time you will have either SUCCESS or ERROR, with SUCCESS moving on to the next page in your application;

<result name="success" type="dispatcher">
    <param name="location">/thank_you.jsp</param>

...and ERROR moving on to an error page, or the preceding page;

<result name="error" type="dispatcher">
    <param name="location">/error.jsp</param>

Results are specified in a xwork xml config file (xwork.xml) nested inside <action>. If the location param is the only param being specified in the result tag, you can simplify it as follows:

<action name="bar" class="myPackage.barAction">
  <result name="success" type="dispatcher">
    <param name="location">foo.jsp</param>

or simplified

<action name="bar" class="myPackage.barAction">
  <result name="success" type="dispatcher">foo.jsp</result>

or even simplified further

<action name="bar" class="myPackage.barAction">


    <result-type name="dispatcher" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.ServletDispatcherResult" default="true"/>
    <result-type name="redirect" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.ServletRedirectResult"/>
    <result-type name="velocity" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.VelocityResult"/>
    <result-type name="chain" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionChainResult"/>
    <result-type name="xslt" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.views.xslt.XSLTResult"/>
    <result-type name="jasper" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.views.jasperreports.JasperReportsResult"/>
    <result-type name="freemarker" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.views.freemarker.FreemarkerResult"/>
    <result-type name="httpheader" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.HttpHeaderResult"/>
    <result-type name="stream" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.StreamResult"/>
    <result-type name="plaintext" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.PlainTextResult" />

Result Types

Webwork provides several implementations of the com.opensymphony.xwork.Result interface to make web-based interactions with your actions simple. These result types include:

Intercepters must first be defined (to give name them) and can be chained together as a stack:
  <interceptor name="security" class="com.mycompany.security.SecurityInterceptor"/>
  <interceptor-stack name="defaultComponentStack">
    <interceptor-ref name="component"/>
    <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>

To use them in your actions:

<action name="VelocityCounter" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.example.counter.SimpleCounter">
   <result name="success">...</result>
   <interceptor-ref name="defaultComponentStack"/>



헉 카드정보 도난... ㅡ.ㅜ;;

Legacy 2010. 2. 8. 16:31
스페인 여행 후 카드 대금을 확인해 보았다..
이런 된장.. 이건 뭔가????

내 카드 정보가 도용되었다..
한국에 들어온 날짜가 1월 6일 인데.. 1월 7일 부터.. 미국에서 승인된 내역... 켁...
무려 359만원.. 결재..

당장 외환은행에 전화를 해서 항의를 했다.. 우선 항의 하기 전에 친절히 응대를 해주었다..
내일 은행 찾아 가서 다 환급 받으리라.. 다짐 하며.. 다 돌려 준다고 했으니.. 다 받아 내야 겠다..

스페인 역시.. 조심해야 할 나라인것 같다..
도대체 내 카드 정보를 언제 빼간거야..ㅡ.ㅡ;;

해외  01/07  SONY STYLE SOUTH COAST  0  1,384  1,190.49      1,384,600      
    COSTA MESA $1202.39 1,151.54                   
해외  01/08  SEARS ROEBUCK 1278  0  231  200.00      231,502      
    TORRANCE $202.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  SEARS ROEBUCK 1278  0  231  200.00      231,502      
    TORRANCE $202.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  MACY'S EAST #522  0  231  200.00      231,502      
    TORRANCE $202.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  MACY'S EAST #511  0  231  200.00      231,502      
    TORRANCE $202.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  NORDSTROM #0349  0  115  100.00      115,751      
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  NORDSTROM #0349  0  115  100.00      115,751      
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  CHEESECAKE LOS ANGELES  0  115  100.00      115,751      
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  ROSS STORES #38  0  120  117,049.00      120,037      
    LOS ANGELES $104.74 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  ROSS STORES #38  0  120  117,049.00      120,037      
    LOS ANGELES $104.74 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  VICTORIA'S SECRET 1138  0  115  100.00      115,751      
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  VICTORIA'S SECRET 1138  0  115  100.00      115,751      
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  APPLE STORE #R050  0  115  100.00      115,751
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  APPLE STORE #R050  0  115  100.00      115,751      
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  CHEESECAKE LOS ANGELES  0  115  100.00      115,751      
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05                   
해외  01/08  CHEESECAKE LOS ANGELES  0  115  100.00      115,751      
    LOS ANGELES $101.00 1,146.05

사내 운영툴 Referrer 제거하기.

ITWeb/서버관리 2010. 2. 8. 15:40

사내 운영툴의 경우 외부로 URL 이 알려 지는걸 방지 하기 위해서 referrer 를 제거해야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
보통 referrer 는 html 헤더 정보에 포함이 되어서 전달이 되는데요.
아래와 같이 처리 하면 referrer 를 제거 해서 보낼 수 있습니다.

HTML 로 redirection

<meta http-equiv=refresh content=0; url=리다이렉트하고자하는URL>


JavaScript 로 redirection

<script type="text/javascript">
document.location = "리다이렉트하고자하는URL";

이렇게 보내면 referrer 가 남지 않습니다.
정확하게는 북마크접속이거나 직접접속 이런식으로 남습니다.

그리고 개발 하면서 한가지 조심해야 할 건 referrer 는 변조가 가능 하기 때문에 referrer 체크를 통한 보안 코드 삽입은 매우 위험한 발상 입니다.
참고 하셔요.. :)



Quirks mode

ITWeb/개발일반 2010. 2. 2. 12:18

HTML5 관련 문서 읽다가
HTML 5 defines three modes: quirks mode, limited quirks mode and no quirks mode, of which only the latter is considered conforming to use. The reason for this is due to backwards compatibility. The important thing to understand is that there are some differences in the way documents are visually rendered in each of the modes; and to ensure the most standards compliant rendering, it is important to ensure no-quirks mode is used.
이 부분에서 quirk 내용이 있길래 remind 차원에서 다시 한번 찾아 봤습니다.
원문 : http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/#doctype-declaration

Quirks mode는 오래된 웹 브라우저들을 위해 디자인된 웹 페이지의 하위 호환성을 유지하기 위해 W3C나 IETF의 표준을 엄격히 준수하는 Standards Mode를 대신하여 사용되는 웹 브라우저의 기술을 나타낸다. 같은 코드라도 웹 브라우저마다 서로 해석을 달리 하기 때문에, 전혀 다른 결과물을 보여주게 된다.
원문 : http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quirks_mode

중요한 부분만 골라 보면.. 아래 두개 정도..
The reason for this is due to backwards compatibility.
it is important to ensure no-quirks mode is used.