'ITWeb/개발일반'에 해당되는 글 489건

  1. 2011.11.09 jslint 돌려보기.
  2. 2011.11.09 Closure Linter 알아보기
  3. 2011.11.09 Google Closure Compiler
  4. 2011.11.09 jsunit 알아보기.
  5. 2011.11.08 JSCoverage 알아보기.
  6. 2011.11.07 Enterprise Architect...
  7. 2011.11.07 Javascript getTimezoneOffset() 알아보기
  8. 2011.11.07 Timezone Table.
  9. 2011.11.03 VG, SVG...
  10. 2011.11.03 jQuery.fracs

jslint 돌려보기.

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 9. 19:07

jsunit 작성했던 코드를 jslint 로 돌려본 화면 입니다.
뭐.. 코드가 너무 간단해서..
좀 부끄럽군요.. ㅋ 

※ jslint 가기 : http://www.jslint.com/ 

Closure Linter 알아보기

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 9. 17:06
원래는 javascript 의 정적분석을 위해서 closure inspector 를 사용하려 했으나.. firefox 버전과 firebug 버전을 좀 타서.. 그냥.. 안하기로 했다.
걍.. checkstyle 이나 적용해 봅시다.

Windows 버전임돠!! (cygwin 설치 하셔서 하시면 더 편하실거예요.. )


http://www.python.org/download/releases/ : version 호환성때문에 2.7 설치함.
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools#windows (다운로드) : 2.7 설치함. (easy_install)

- python 과 setuptools 모두 exe 파일 이므로 실행 시켜서 설치 하시면 됩니다.

[Closure Linter 설치]
- python 이 설치된 폴더로 이동
- Python27\Scripts 로 이동
- cmd 창에서 easy_install http://closure-linter.googlecode.com/files/closure_linter-latest.tar.gz
- 다운로드가 잘안되거나 에러 발생할 경우 수동으로 다운로드 받아서 아래 처럼 설치
easy_install closure_linter-latest.tar.gz

[gjslint 실행]
- 역시 Python27\Scripts 로 이동
- cmd 창에서 실행
- gjslint D:\Workspace\jee\jsunit_prototype\UnitTC\index.js

C:\Python27\Scripts>gjslint D:\Workspace\jee\jsunit_prototype\UnitTC\index.js

----- FILE  :  D:\Workspace\jee\jsunit_prototype\UnitTC\index.js -----

Line 2, E:0005: Illegal tab in whitespace before "var"

Line 4, E:0005: Illegal tab in whitespace before "if"

Line 5, E:0005: Illegal tab in whitespace before "div.innerHTML"

Line 6, E:0005: Illegal tab in whitespace before "}"

Found 4 errors, including 0 new errors, in 1 files (0 files OK).

Some of the errors reported by GJsLint may be auto-fixable using the script

fixjsstyle. Please double check any changes it makes and report any bugs. The

script can be run by executing:

fixjsstyle D:\Workspace\jee\jsunit_prototype\UnitTC\index.js

- fixjsstyle 을 실행 시켜면 이넘이 수정해 줄수 있는건 자동으로 수정을 해줍니다.
- 위에 보이는 에러는 tab 을 space 4 로 바꾸지 않고 그냥 tab 문자로 사용을 해서 발생한 오류 입니다.
- eclipse 에서 editor 설정과 fomatter 변경 하시면 됩니다.

[compiler 수동실행]

D:\Development>java -jar closure-compiler\compiler.jar --js D:\Workspace\jee\jsunit_prototype\UnitTC\index.js --create_source_map D:\Workspace\jee\jsunit_prototype\UnitTC\index-map --js_output_file D:\Workspace\jee\jsunit_prototype\UnitTC\index-compiled.js

- 이렇게 하면 compiled 된 js 파일이 D:\Workspace\jee\jsunit_prototype\UnitTC\ 경로에 생성 됩니다.


Google Closure Compiler

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 9. 14:28
예전에 YUI 의 javascript code compressor 에 대해서 언급한적이 있다.

구글의 closure compiler 도 이넘과 같은 기능을 지원해 준다.
YUI 의 compressor 보다 구글 closure compiler 가 더 좋아 보이내요.. ^^



jsunit 알아보기.

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 9. 13:01

- http://www.jsunit.org


- plugin 설치 : eclipse_plugin1.0alpha3.zip 압축을 해제 하고 "net.jsunit_1.0.0" 폴더를 eclipse/plugins 폴더에 복사해서 넣는다.
- jsunit2_2.zip 압축을 해제하고 적당한 위치에 옴겨놓는다. ( 예 : C:\development\jsunit )
- C:\development\jsunit 폴더에 logs 폴더 생성

- eclipse 실행
- 메뉴에서
    Window -> Preferences > JsUnit 으로 이동
- Browser executables 에 IE, FF, Safari 등을 등록
-  Java Project 를 신규로 생성하거나 기존 Web Project이 있으면 활용
- Web root 에  C:\development\jsunit 폴더의 app, css 폴더를 복사해서 넣는다.
- 테스트 코드를 작성할 폴더를 하나 만든다. ( 예 : TestCase )
- TestCase 작성
    jcoverage 때 사용한걸 조금 수정해서 돌려봄

// index.js
function textChange() {

var div = document.getElementById("textLayer");

if ( div.innerText == "Change Text by Click Action" ) {

div.innerText = "Changed Text!!";



<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">


<script type="text/javascript" src="../app/jsUnitCore.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testTextChange () {

var div = document.getElementById("textLayer");


assertEquals("Changed Text!!", div.innerText);





<div id="textLayer" onclick="textChange();">Change Text by Click Action</div>



- index.html 파일에서 우클릭 후 run as JsUnit Test Page 실행 그러나 내 eclipse 에서는 동작 하지 않았다 ㅡ.ㅡ;;
- 수동 실행 방법 : 
C:\development\jsunit\testRunner.html 실행 file:/// input text 부분에 index.html 파일 full path 등록 후 Run 버튼 클릭

[TestCase 예제]
- C:\Development\jsunit\tests 폴더에 들어가 보시면 예제 파일들이 많이 있으니 TestCase 작성 시 참고 하시면 됩니다.


JSCoverage 알아보기.

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 8. 14:41

[JSCoverage 다운로드]

[jscoverage.html 복사이동]
- 압축해제 후 폴더로 이동 (jscoverage-0.5.1)
- jscoverage-0.5.1/doc/instrumented/jscoverage.html 파일을 복사
- jscoverage-0.5.1/jscoverage.html 로 이동

[Test Code 작성]
- jscoverage-0.5.1 폴더 아래 TestCase1 폴더 생성
- TestCase1 폴더에 테스트할 html 과 js 파일 복사
- 샘플 코드 (말 그대로 동작 하는것만 확인 하기 위한 샘플임돠)

<!-- indexTest.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>




<script type="text/javascript" src="indexTest.js"></script>



<div id="textLayer" onclick="textChange();">Change Text by Click Action</div>



// indexTest.js

function textChange() {

var div = document.getElementById("textLayer");

if ( div.innerText == "Change Text by Click Action" ) {

div.innerText = "Changed Text!!";



[jscoverage server 실행 및 접속]
- jscoverage-0.5.1>jscoverage-server.exe --ip-address= --port=9090 -v
- URL 부분에 입력 후 "Open in frame" 버튼 클릭 
- 상단 탭에서 Store 클릭 후 "Store Report" 버튼 클릭

[Report 보기]
- jscoverage-0.5.1 폴더에 jscoverage-report 폴더생성 되고 하위에 jscoverage.html 클릭 후 coverage 확인

[jscoverage server 중지하기]
- jscoverage-0.5.1>jscoverage-server.exe --ip-address= --port=9090 --shutdown

참 쉽죠잉~~~

Enterprise Architect...

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 7. 15:58

일을 하다보니.. 이런 tool도 사용을 하는 군요.. 
freeware 만 쓰다 비싼거 쓸라니.. ㅋ 

Javascript getTimezoneOffset() 알아보기

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 7. 15:38


var d = new Date();

var localTimezone = -(d.getTimezoneOffset()/60); // GMT – LocalTime = (d.getTimezoneOffset()/60)

document.write("Local Timezone : GMT " + localTimezone);


Result :  Local Timezone : GMT 9

Client 에서 Timezone 구할라면.. 
Timezone table 을 별도로 구성해서 해야 할 듯 하내요.
요구사항이.. 국가 코드를 요구해서뤼.. 걍.. GMT 기준 시간던져주고.. 서버에서 해주면 안되겠니.. ㅋㅋ 
뭐 싫음 걍.. client 단에서 해주고.. ;; 

Timezone Table.

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 7. 11:22


Country Country code Timezone
offset (hours)
offset (hours)
Zone name
Afghanistan AF 4,5   Asia/Kabul
Albania AL 1 2 Europe/Tirane
Algeria DZ 1 2 Africa/Algiers
American Samoa AS -11   Pacific/Pago_Pago
Andorra AD 1 2 Europe/Andorra
Angola AO 1   Africa/Luanda
Anguilla AI -4   America/Anguilla
Antarctica AQ -2 -3  
Antigua & Barbuda AG -4   America/Antigua
Argentina AR -3    
Argentina western prov   -4    
Armenia AM 4 5 Asia/Yerevan
Aruba AW -4   America/Aruba
Ascension   0    
Australia Northern Territory AU 9,5   Australia/Darwin
Australia Lord Howe Island AU 10,5 11 Australia/Lord_Howe
Australia New South Wales AU 10 11  
Australia Queensland AU 10    
Australia Victoria AU 10 11 Australia/Melbourne
Australia Australian Captial Territory AU 10 11  
Australia South AU 9,5 10,5 Australia/Adelaide
Australia Tasmania AU 10 11 Australia/Hobart
Australia Western AU 8   Australia/Perth
Austria AT 1 2 Europe/Vienna
Azerbajian AZ 3   Asia/Baku
Azores PT -1 0 Atlantic/Azores
Bahamas BS -5 -4 America/Nassau
Bahrain BH 3   Asia/Bahrain
Balearic Islands   1 2  
Bangladesh BD 6   Asia/Dacca
Barbados BB -4   America/Barbados
Belarus BY 2 3 Europe/Minsk
Belgium BE 1 2 Europe/Brussels
Belize BZ -6   America/Belize
Benin BJ 1   Africa/Porto-Novo
Bermuda BM -4 -3 Atlantic/Bermuda
Bhutan BT 6   Asia/Thimbu
Bolivia BO -4   America/La_Paz
Bonaire   -4    
Bosnia Hercegovina BA 1 2 Europe/Sarajevo
Botswana BW 2   Africa/Gaborone
Brazil Acre BR -4 -5 America/Porto_Acre
Brazil Atlantic Islands BR -1 -2  
Brazil East BR -3 -1  
Brazil West BR -4 -3  
British Virgin Islands VG -4   America/Tortola
Brunei BN 8   Asia/Brunei
Bulgaria BG 2 3 Europe/Sofia
Burkina Faso BF 0   Africa/Ouagadougou
Burundi BI 2   Africa/Bujumbura
Cambodia KH 7   Asia/Phnom_Penh
Cameroon CM 1   Africa/Douala
Canada Central CA -6 -5  
Canada Eastern CA -5 -4  
Canada Mountain CA -7 -6  
Canada Yukon & Pacific CA -8 -7  
Canada Atlantic CA -4 -3  
Canada Newfoundland CA -3,5 -2,5 America/St_Johns
Canary Islands ES 0 1 Atlantic/Canary
Canton Enderbury Islands KI -11   Pacific/Enderbury
Cape Verde CV -1   Atlantic/Cape_Verde
Caroline Island   11    
Cayman Islands KY -5   America/Cayman
Central African Rep CF 1   Africa/Bangui
Chad TD 1   Africa/Ndjamena
Channel Islands   0 1  
Chatham Island NZ 12,75 13,75 Pacific/Chatham
Chile CL -4 -3 America/Santiago
China People's Rep CN 8    
Christmas Islands CX -10   Indian/Christmas
Colombia CO -5   America/Bogota
Congo CD/CG 1    
Cook Islands CK -10   Pacific/Rarotonga
Costa Rica CR -6   America/Costa_Rica
Cote d'Ivoire CI 0   Africa/Abidjan
Croatia HR 1 2 Europe/Zagreb
Cuba CU -5 -4 America/Havana
Curacao   -4    
Cyprus CY 2 3 Asia/Nicosia
Czech Republic CZ 1 2 Europe/Prague
Dahomey   1    
Denmark DK 1 2 Europe/Copenhagen
Djibouti DJ 3   Africa/Djibouti
Dominica DM -4   America/Dominica
Dominican Republic DO -4   America/Santo_Domingo
Easter Island CL -6 -5 Pacific/Easter
Ecuador EC -5   America/Guayaquil
Egypt EG 2 3 Africa/Cairo
El Salvador SV -6   America/El_Salvador
England GB 0 1 Europe/London
Equitorial Guinea GQ 1   Africa/Malabo
Eritrea ER 3   Africa/Asmera
Estonia EE 2 3 Europe/Tallinn
Ethiopia ET 3   Africa/Addis_Ababa
Falkland Islands FK -4 -3 Atlantic/Stanley
Faroe Island FO 0 1 Atlantic/Faeroe
Fiji FJ 12   Pacific/Fiji
Finland FI 2 3 Europe/Helsinki
France FR/FX 1 2 Europe/Paris
French Guiana GF -3   America/Cayenne
French Polynesia PF -10    
Gabon GA 1   Africa/Libreville
Galapagos Islands EC -5   Pacific/Galapagos
Gambia GM 0   Africa/Banjul
Gambier Island PF -9   Pacific/Gambier
Georgia GE 4   Asia/Tbilisi
Germany DE 1 2 Europe/Berlin
Ghana GH 0   Africa/Accra
Gibraltar GI 1 2 Europe/Gibraltar
Greece GR 2 3 Europe/Athens
Greenland GL -3 -2 America/Godthab
Greenland Thule GL -4 -3 America/Thule
Greenland Scoresbysun GL -1 0 America/Scoresbysund
Grenada GD -4   America/Grenada
Grenadines   -4    
Guadeloupe GP -4   America/Guadeloupe
Guam GU 10   Pacific/Guam
Guatemala GT -6   America/Guatemala
Guinea GN 0   Africa/Conakry
Guinea Bissau GW - 0 Africa/Bissau
Guyana GY -3   America/Guyana
Haiti HT -5 -4 America/Port-au-Prince
Honduras HN -6   America/Tegucigalpa
Hong kong CN 8   Asia/Hong_Kong
Hungary HU 1 2 Europe/Budapest
Iceland IS 0   Atlantic/Reykjavik
India IN 5,5   Asia/Calcutta
Indonesia Central ID 8    
Indonesia East ID 9    
Indonesia West ID 7    
Iran IR 3,5   Asia/Tehran
Iraq IQ 3 4 Asia/Baghdad
Ireland Republic of IE 0 1 Europe/Dublin
Israel IL 2 3 Asia/Jerusalem
Italy IT 1 2 Europe/Rome
Jamaica JM -5   America/Jamaica
Japan JP 9   Asia/Tokyo
Johnston Island UM -10   Pacific/Johnston
Jordan JO 2 3 Asia/Amman
Kazakhstan KZ 6 7  
Kenya KE 3   Africa/Nairobi
Kiribati KI 12    
Korea Dem Republic of KR 9   Asia/Seoul
Korea Republic of KP 9   Asia/Pyongyang
Kusaie   12    
Kuwait KW 3   Asia/Kuwait
Kwajalein MH -12   Pacific/Kwajalein
Kyrgyzstan   5 6  
Laos LA 7   Asia/Vientiane
Latvia LV 2 3 Europe/Riga
Lebanon LB 2 3 Asia/Beirut
Leeward Islands   -4    
Lesotho LS 2   Africa/Maseru
Liberia LR 0   Africa/Monrovia
Libya LY 2   Africa/Tripoli
Lithuania LT 2 3 Europe/Vilnius
Luxembourg LU 1 2 Europe/Luxembourg
Macedonia MK 1 2 Europe/Skopje
Madagascar MG 3   Indian/Antananarivo
Madeira PT 0 1 Atlantic/Madeira
Malawi MW 2   Africa/Blantyre
Malaysia MY 8   Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
Maldives MV 5   Indian/Maldives
Mali ML 0    
Mallorca Islands   1 2  
Malta MT 1 2 Europe/Malta
Mariana Island   10    
Marquesas Islands PF -9,5   Pacific/Marquesas
Marshall Islands MH 12   Pacific/Majuro
Martinique MQ -4   America/Martinique
Mauritania MR 0   Africa/Nouakchott
Mauritius MU 4   Indian/Mauritius
Mayotte YT 3   Indian/Mayotte
Melilla ES 1 2 Africa/Ceuta
Mexico MX -6    
Mexico Baja Calif Norte MX -8 -7  
Mexico Nayarit MX -7    
Mexico Sinaloa MX -7    
Mexico Sonora MX -7    
Midway Island UM -11   Pacific/Midway
Moldova MD 2 3 Europe/Chisinau
Moldovian Rep Pridnestrovye   2 3  
Monaco MC 1 2 Europe/Monaco
Mongolia MN 8   Asia/Ulan_Bator
Morocco MA 0   Africa/Casablanca
Mozambique MZ 2   Africa/Maputo
Myanmar (Burma) MM 6,5   Asia/Rangoon
Namibia NA 1 2 Africa/Windhoek
Nauru Republic of NR 12   Pacific/Nauru
Nepal NP 5,75   Asia/Katmandu
Netherlands NL 1 2 Europe/Amsterdam
Netherlands Antilles AN -4   America/Curacao
Nevis Montserrat MS -4   America/Montserrat
New Caledonia NC 11   Pacific/Noumea
New Hebrides   11    
New Zealand NZ 12 13 Pacific/Auckland
Nicaragua NI -6 -5 America/Managua
Niger NE 1   Africa/Niamey
Nigeria NG 1   Africa/Lagos
Niue Island NU -11   Pacific/Niue
Norfolk Island NF 11,5   Pacific/Norfolk
Northern Ireland GB 0 1 Europe/Belfast
Northern Mariana Islands MP 10   Pacific/Saipan
Norway NO 1 2 Europe/Oslo
Oman OM 4   Asia/Muscat
Pakistan PK 5   Asia/Karachi
Palau PW 9   Pacific/Palau
Panama PA -5   America/Panama
Papua New Guinea PG 10   Pacific/Port_Moresby
Paraguay PY -4 -3 America/Asuncion
Peru PE -5   America/Lima
Philippines PH 8   Asia/Manila
Pingelap   12    
Poland PL 1 2 Europe/Warsaw
Ponape Island FM 11   Pacific/Ponape
Portugal PT 1 2 Europe/Lisbon
Principe Island   0    
Puerto Rico PR -4   America/Puerto_Rico
Qatar QA 3   Asia/Qatar
Reunion RE 4   Indian/Reunion
Romania RO 2 3 Europe/Bucharest
Russian Federation zone eight RU 9 10  
Russian Federation zone eleven RU 12 13  
Russian Federation zone five RU 6 7  
Russian Federation zone four RU 5 6  
Russian Federation zone nine RU 10 11  
Russian Federation zone one RU 2 3  
Russian Federation zone seven RU 8 9  
Russian Federation zone six RU 7 8  
Russian Federation zone ten RU 11 12  
Russian Federation zone three RU 4 5  
Russian Federation zone two RU 4 5  
Rwanda RW 2   Africa/Kigali
Saba MY -4   Asia/Kuching
Samoa WS -11   Pacific/Apia
San Marino SM 1 2 Europe/San_Marino
Sao Tome e Principe ST 0   Africa/Sao_Tome
Saudi Arabia SA 3   Asia/Riyadh
Scotland   0 1  
Senegal SN 0   Africa/Dakar
Seychelles SC 4   Indian/Mahe
Sierra Leone SL 0   Africa/Freetown
Singapore SG 8   Asia/Singapore
Slovakia SK 1 2 Europe/Bratislava
Slovenia SI 1 2 Europe/Ljubljana
Society Island PF -10   Pacific/Tahiti
Solomon Islands SB 11   Pacific/Guadalcanal
Somalia SO 3   Africa/Mogadishu
South Africa ZA 2   Africa/Johannesburg
Spain ES 1 2 Europe/Madrid
Sri Lanka LK 5,5   Asia/Colombo
St Christopher   -4    
St Croix   -4    
St Helena SH 0   Atlantic/St_Helena
St John   -4    
St Kitts Nevis KN -4   America/St_Kitts
St Lucia LC -4   America/St_Lucia
St Maarten   -4    
St Pierre & Miquelon PM -3 -2 America/Miquelon
St Thomas   -4    
St Vincent VC -4   America/St_Vincent
Sudan SD 2   Africa/Khartoum
Suriname SR -3   America/Paramaribo
Swaziland SZ 2   Africa/Mbabane
Sweden SE 1 2 Europe/Stockholm
Switzerland CH 1 2 Europe/Zurich
Syria SY 2 3 Asia/Damascus
Tahiti   -10    
Taiwan TW 8   Asia/Taipei
Tajikistan TJ 6   Asia/Dushanbe
Tanzania TZ 3   Africa/Dar_es_Salaam
Thailand TH 7   Asia/Bangkok
Togo TG 0   Africa/Lome
Tonga TO 13   Pacific/Tongatapu
Trinidad and Tobago TT -4   America/Port_of_Spain
Tuamotu Island   -10    
Tubuai Island   -10    
Tunisia TN 1   Africa/Tunis
Turkey TR 2 3 Europe/Istanbul
Turkmenistan TM 5   Asia/Ashkhabad
Turks and Caicos Islands TC -5 -4 America/Grand_Turk
Tuvalu TV 12   Pacific/Funafuti
Uganda UG 3   Africa/Kampala
Ukraine UA 2 3  
United Arab Emirates AE 4   Asia/Dubai
United Kingdom GB 0 1 Europe/London
USA Central US -6 -5  
USA Eastern US -5 -4  
USA Mountain US -7 -6  
USA Arizona US -7   America/Phoenix
USA Indiana East US -5    
USA Pacific US -8 -7 America/Los_Angeles
USA Alaska US -9 -8  
USA Aleutian US -10   America/Adak
USA Hawaii US -10   Pacific/Honolulu
Uruguay UY -3   America/Montevideo
Uzbekistan UZ 5    
Vanuatu VU 11 12 Pacific/Efate
Vatican City VA 1 2 Europe/Vatican
Venezuela VE -4   America/Caracas
Vietnam VN 7   Asia/Saigon
Virgin Islands (US) VI -4   America/St_Thomas
Wake Island UM 12   Pacific/Wake
Wales GB 0 1 Europe/London
Wallis and Futuna Islands WF 12   Pacific/Wallis
Windward Islands   -4    
Yemen YE 3   Asia/Aden
Yugoslavia YU 1 2 Europe/Belgrade
Zaire Kasai   2    
Zaire Kinshasa Mbandaka CD 1   Africa/Kinshasa
Zaire Haut Zaire   2    
Zaire Kivu   2    
Zaire Shaba   2    
Zambia ZM 2   Africa/Lusaka
Zimbabwe ZW 2   Africa/Harare
Bouvet Island BV      
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC     Indian/Cocos
Western Sahara EH     Africa/El_Aaiun
Micronesia FM      
South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands GS     Atlantic/South_Georgia
Heard Island & McDonald Islands HM      
British Indian Ocean Territory IO     Indian/Chagos
Kirgizstan KG     Asia/Bishkek
Comoros KM     Indian/Comoro
Liechtenstein LI     Europe/Vaduz
Macao MO     Asia/Macao
Pitcairn PN     Pacific/Pitcairn
Palestine PS     Asia/Gaza
Svalbard & Jan Mayen SJ      
French Southern & Antarctic Lands TF     Indian/Kerguelen
Tokelau TK     Pacific/Fakaofo
East Timor TP      
US minor outlying islands UM      


VG, SVG...

ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 3. 16:32

Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as pointslinescurves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a family of specifications of an XML-based file format for describing two-dimensional vector graphics, both static and dynamic (i.e. interactive or animated). The SVG specification is an open standard that has been under development by theWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. 

걍 궁금해서..  


ITWeb/개발일반 2011. 11. 3. 14:28


현재의 viewport 를 축소해서 보여줄 수 있습니다.
역시 canvas 자료 찾다.. 얻어 걸린 링크로 스크랩 합니다..^^;

에혀.. 공부 좀 해야 하는데..