'ITWeb/개발일반'에 해당되는 글 490건

  1. 2013.02.12 caution using zlib & cryptopp
  2. 2013.02.05 check qmail & dovecot version.
  3. 2013.02.05 encryption algorithm link scrap.
  4. 2013.02.05 ARIA Encryption/Decryption by 이창민.
  5. 2013.02.05 AES Encrypt/Decrypt using cryptopp(crypto++)
  6. 2013.02.01 C++ file read/write as buffer size
  7. 2013.02.01 c++ string replace
  8. 2013.01.31 default gcc, g++ compile command
  9. 2013.01.28 make options
  10. 2013.01.22 gerrit 링크

caution using zlib & cryptopp

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 2. 12. 16:13

I have some problem between cryptopp and zlib.

This problem is due to duplicate of the zlib.h file declaration.
These files are different.

[Error Message]

gzipstream.h:127: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘z_stream’ with no type

[zlib.h from zlib]

[zlib.h from cryptopp]



#include "adler32.h"

#include "zdeflate.h"

#include "zinflate.h"


/// ZLIB Compressor (RFC 1950)

class ZlibCompressor : public Deflator



        ZlibCompressor(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, unsigned int deflateLevel=DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL, unsigned int log2WindowSize=DEFAULT_LOG2_WINDOW_SIZE, bool detectUncompressible=true)

                : Deflator(attachment, deflateLevel, log2WindowSize, detectUncompressible) {}

        ZlibCompressor(const NameValuePairs &parameters, BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL)

                : Deflator(parameters, attachment) {}

        unsigned int GetCompressionLevel() const;


        void WritePrestreamHeader();

        void ProcessUncompressedData(const byte *string, size_t length);

        void WritePoststreamTail();

        Adler32 m_adler32;


/// ZLIB Decompressor (RFC 1950)

class ZlibDecompressor : public Inflator



        typedef Inflator::Err Err;

        class HeaderErr : public Err {public: HeaderErr() : Err(INVALID_DATA_FORMAT, "ZlibDecompressor: header decoding error") {}};

        class Adler32Err : public Err {public: Adler32Err() : Err(DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED, "ZlibDecompressor: ADLER32 check error") {}};

        class UnsupportedAlgorithm : public Err {public: UnsupportedAlgorithm() : Err(INVALID_DATA_FORMAT, "ZlibDecompressor: unsupported algorithm") {}};

        class UnsupportedPresetDictionary : public Err {public: UnsupportedPresetDictionary() : Err(INVALID_DATA_FORMAT, "ZlibDecompressor: unsupported preset dictionary") {}};

        /*! \param repeat decompress multiple compressed streams in series

                \param autoSignalPropagation 0 to turn off MessageEnd signal


        ZlibDecompressor(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL, bool repeat = false, int autoSignalPropagation = -1);

        unsigned int GetLog2WindowSize() const {return m_log2WindowSize;}


        unsigned int MaxPrestreamHeaderSize() const {return 2;}

        void ProcessPrestreamHeader();

        void ProcessDecompressedData(const byte *string, size_t length);

        unsigned int MaxPoststreamTailSize() const {return 4;}

        void ProcessPoststreamTail();

        unsigned int m_log2WindowSize;

        Adler32 m_adler32;





check qmail & dovecot version.

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 2. 5. 18:44

You can check qmail version.

cat /var/qmail/man/man7/qmail.7

It exist below the string. ("This documentation describes netqmail version")


This documentation describes netqmail version



Check dovecot version

# It's very simple.

dovecot --version


encryption algorithm link scrap.

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 2. 5. 15:22

Original posted : http://alexnetster.blogspot.kr/2012/07/blog-post_06.html

[링크] 암호화 알고리즘 및 소스

-암호화 주요 용어 정리

-암호화 알고리즘 비교 - DES, AES 비교

seed 암호화

- SEED 128 bit 암호화 소스 

- seed 암호화 알고리즘 개념. 

- seed 블럭 암호화 알고리즘 

- seed 암호화 알고리즘 

- PHP로 구현한 암호화 알고리즘

des 암호화

- des 암호화 이론 

- Triple des 암호화에 관하여. 

- Triple des c 소스 1 

- Triple des c 소스 2 

- des 암호화 알고리즘 ppt 외 기타 다른 알고리즘. 

- Triple des 자바 샘플 소스 

- .net에 포함된 des 알고리즘에 관한 사용 설명 

aria 암호화

- kisa aria 암호화 

- aria 소스 

- aria 샘플소스 

- ARIA 알고리즘과 소스 

- ARIA JAVA, C 소스 


- ARIA C++ 샘플 소스 

md5, sha 암호화

- sha-1 암호 c/c++ 소스

- md5, sha-256 해시코드 얻기

Wi-Fi WPA2 AES(CCMP) 암호화 알고리즘


암호학 관련 강좌

한국기술교육대학교 인터넷미디어공학부 2005학년도 1학기 암호알고리즘(INS301) 강의홈페이지



ARIA Encryption/Decryption by 이창민.

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 2. 5. 14:42

Thanks to 이창민. ^^

This article is written by 이창민.

ARIA 암호화 복호화 관련 정리

초고속 네트워크 기반의 전자정부 시스템을 비롯해 앞으로 다가올 정보보호 환경을 대비하여 개발된 차세대 국가 암호 알고리즘 아리아(ARIA)는 대한민국 국가보안기술연구소에서 개발한 블록 암호체계이다.
ARIA라는 이름은 학계(Academy), 연구소(Research Institute), 정부기관(Agency)이 공동으로 개발한 특징을 함축적으로 표현한 것이다. ARIA는 지난 2004년 한국 산업 규격 KS표준으로 제정되었다.
ARIA는 민간 암호 알고리즘 SEED와 함꼐 전자정부의 대국민 행정 서비스용으로 보급되고 있으며, 스마트 카드 등의 초경량 환경 및 고성능 서버 환경 등에서 SEED에 비하여 상대적으로 장점을 가지고 있다
  1. ARIA는 암호의 난이도에 따라서 128, 192, 256비트 길이의 암호키를 선택할 수 있으며, 키의 길이에 따라서 라운드 함수가 12, 14, 16번 반복 실행한다.
    라운드 함수에 필요한 라운드 키는 암호키로부터 키 확장을 통해서 생성한다. 암호키의 길이에 따라 ARIA-128, ARIA-192, ARIA-256으로 구분하여 표기한다.
    그리고 128비트 데이터 블록에 대해 암호화, 복호화를 수행한다.
  2. ARIA 관련 자료 다운로드
    - KISA암호이용활성화 - http://seed.kisa.or.kr/iwt/ko/index.do 사이트의 자료실에서 다운로드 가능하다. (자바 샘플소스, c샘플소스, ARIA-specification, ARIA-testvector)
    - ARIA-testvector는 특정 마스터 키에 대해 나와야 하는 roundkey와 정해진 입력값에 대한 정해진 결과가 있어 샘플소스에 입력하여 결과가 제대로 나오는지 명확하게 판단 할 수 있게 해준다.
  3. 실제 암호화 모듈은 전문지식이 없어서 해당 부분 설명은 생략한다. 적용시 필요한 사항은 마스터키를 지정하면 해당 마스터키에 따라 roundtrip을 하는데 필요한 roundkey가 생성이 된다.
    개발시 필요한 부분은 endian설정128, 192, 256비트 암호화 관련하여 roundtrip횟수 변경마지막 블럭이 16byte가 안될 경우 padding 추가 정도만 신경 쓰면 된다.
  4. 샘플소스 설명
 * A 32-bit implementation for ARIA
 * follows the specifications given in
 * the ARIA specification at
 * Note:
 *    - Main body optimized for speed for 32 bit platforms
 *       * Utilizes 32-bit optimization techniques presented in ICISC 2003
 *       * Only four 32-bit tables are used
 *    - Implemented some ideas for optimization from the creators of ARIA,
 *         and adopted some ideas from works submitted to ARIA implementation contest on Aug. 2004.
 *    - Handles endian problem pretty well.
 *       * For optimization, for little endian architecture key setup functions return
 *         endian-reversed round keys; Crypt() function handles this correctly.
 * 17, January 2005
 * Aaram Yun
 * National Security Research Institute, KOREA
 * Substantial portion of the code originally written by Jin Hong.
/* 사용 플랫폼의 endian 특성에 따라 LITTLE_ENDIAN 혹은
 * BIG_ENDIAN 둘 중 하나를 정의해야 컴파일 됩니다.
 * Windows+Intel 플랫폼의 경우에는 LITTLE_ENDIAN이고,
 * 그 외에는 많은 경우 BIG_ENDIAN입니다.  잘 모르겠으면
 * 아무 쪽이나 선택해서 컴파일 후 실행하십시오.  ARIA_test()
 * 함수에서 ENDIAN 확인을 하기 때문에 올바른 선택이었는지를
 * 점검할 수 있습니다. */
/* #define LITTLE_ENDIAN */
/* #define BIG_ENDIAN */
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char Byte;
typedef unsigned int  Word;
#error In order to compile this, you have to    \
  define either LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN.    \
  If unsure, try define either of one and run   \
  checkEndian() function to see if your guess   \
  is correct.
const Word KRK[3][4] = {
  {0x517cc1b7, 0x27220a94, 0xfe13abe8, 0xfa9a6ee0},
  {0x6db14acc, 0x9e21c820, 0xff28b1d5, 0xef5de2b0},
  {0xdb92371d, 0x2126e970, 0x03249775, 0x04e8c90e}
/* S-box들을 정의하기 위한 마크로. */
#define AAA(V) 0x ## 00 ## V ## V ## V
#define BBB(V) 0x ## V ## 00 ## V ## V
#define CCC(V) 0x ## V ## V ## 00 ## V
#define DDD(V) 0x ## V ## V ## V ## 00
#define XX(NNN,x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,xa,xb,xc,xd,xe,xf)     \
  NNN(x0),NNN(x1),NNN(x2),NNN(x3),NNN(x4),NNN(x5),NNN(x6),NNN(x7),  \
const Word S1[256]={
const Word S2[256]={
const Word X1[256]={
const Word X2[256]={
/* BY(X, Y)는 Word X의 Y번째 바이트
 * BRF(T,R)은 T>>R의 하위 1바이트
 * WO(X, Y)는 Byte array X를 Word array로 간주할 때 Y번째 Word
#define BY(X,Y) (((Byte *)(&X))[Y])
#define BRF(T,R) ((Byte)((T)>>(R)))
#define WO(X,Y) (((Word *)(X))[Y])
/* abcd의 4 Byte로 된 Word를 dcba로 변환하는 함수  */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
/* MSC 사용 환경의 경우에는 _lrotr() 함수를
 * 이용할 수 있으므로 약간의 속도 향상이 가능하다. */
#define ReverseWord(W) {                        \
    (W)=(0xff00ff00 & _lrotr((W), 8)) ^ (0x00ff00ff & _lrotl((W), 8));  \
#define ReverseWord(W) {                        \
    (W)=(W)<<24 ^ (W)>>24 ^ ((W)&0x0000ff00)<<8 ^ ((W)&0x00ff0000)>>8;  \
/* Byte array를 Word에 싣는 함수.  LITTLE_ENDIAN의 경우
 * 엔디안 변환 과정을 거친다. */
#define WordLoad(ORIG, DEST) {          \
    Word ___t;                  \
    BY(___t,0)=BY(ORIG,3);          \
    BY(___t,1)=BY(ORIG,2);          \
    BY(___t,2)=BY(ORIG,1);          \
    BY(___t,3)=BY(ORIG,0);          \
    DEST=___t;                  \
#define WordLoad(ORIG, DEST) {          \
    DEST = ORIG;                \
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#undef WordLoad
#define WordLoad(ORIG, DEST) {                      \
    (DEST) = (0xff00ff00 & _lrotr((ORIG), 8)) ^ (0x00ff00ff & _lrotl((ORIG), 8)); \
/* Key XOR Layer */
#define KXL {                           \
    t0^=WO(rk,0); t1^=WO(rk,1); t2^=WO(rk,2); t3^=WO(rk,3); \
    rk += 16;                           \
/* S-Box Layer 1 + M 변환 */
#define SBL1_M(T0,T1,T2,T3) {                       \
    T0=S1[BRF(T0,24)]^S2[BRF(T0,16)]^X1[BRF(T0,8)]^X2[BRF(T0,0)];   \
    T1=S1[BRF(T1,24)]^S2[BRF(T1,16)]^X1[BRF(T1,8)]^X2[BRF(T1,0)];   \
    T2=S1[BRF(T2,24)]^S2[BRF(T2,16)]^X1[BRF(T2,8)]^X2[BRF(T2,0)];   \
    T3=S1[BRF(T3,24)]^S2[BRF(T3,16)]^X1[BRF(T3,8)]^X2[BRF(T3,0)];   \
/* S-Box Layer 2 + M 변환 */
#define SBL2_M(T0,T1,T2,T3) {                       \
    T0=X1[BRF(T0,24)]^X2[BRF(T0,16)]^S1[BRF(T0,8)]^S2[BRF(T0,0)];   \
    T1=X1[BRF(T1,24)]^X2[BRF(T1,16)]^S1[BRF(T1,8)]^S2[BRF(T1,0)];   \
    T2=X1[BRF(T2,24)]^X2[BRF(T2,16)]^S1[BRF(T2,8)]^S2[BRF(T2,0)];   \
    T3=X1[BRF(T3,24)]^X2[BRF(T3,16)]^S1[BRF(T3,8)]^S2[BRF(T3,0)];   \
/* 워드 단위의 변환 */
#define MM(T0,T1,T2,T3) {           \
    (T1)^=(T2); (T2)^=(T3); (T0)^=(T1);     \
    (T3)^=(T1); (T2)^=(T0); (T1)^=(T2);     \
/* P 변환.  확산 계층의 중간에 들어가는 바이트 단위 변환이다.
 * 이 부분은 endian과 무관하다.  */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define P(T0,T1,T2,T3) {                    \
    (T1) = (((T1)<< 8)&0xff00ff00) ^ (((T1)>> 8)&0x00ff00ff);   \
    (T2) = _lrotr((T2),16);                 \
    ReverseWord((T3));                      \
#define P(T0,T1,T2,T3) {                    \
    (T1) = (((T1)<< 8)&0xff00ff00) ^ (((T1)>> 8)&0x00ff00ff);   \
    (T2) = (((T2)<<16)&0xffff0000) ^ (((T2)>>16)&0x0000ffff);   \
    ReverseWord((T3));                      \
 /* FO: 홀수번째 라운드의 F 함수
  * FE: 짝수번째 라운드의 F 함수
  * MM과 P는 바이트 단위에서 endian에 무관하게 동일한 결과를 주며,
  * 또한 endian 변환과 가환이다.  또한, SBLi_M은 LITTLE_ENDIAN에서
  * 결과적으로 Word 단위로 endian을 뒤집은 결과를 준다.
  * 즉, FO, FE는 BIG_ENDIAN 환경에서는 ARIA spec과 동일한 결과를,
  * LITTLE_ENDIAN 환경에서는 ARIA spec에서 정의한 변환+endian 변환을
  * 준다. */
#define FO {SBL1_M(t0,t1,t2,t3) MM(t0,t1,t2,t3) P(t0,t1,t2,t3) MM(t0,t1,t2,t3)}
#define FE {SBL2_M(t0,t1,t2,t3) MM(t0,t1,t2,t3) P(t2,t3,t0,t1) MM(t0,t1,t2,t3)}
/* n-bit right shift of Y XORed to X */
/* Word 단위로 정의된 블록에서의 회전 + XOR이다. */
#define GSRK(X, Y, n) {                         \
    q = 4-((n)/32);                         \
    r = (n) % 32;                           \
    WO(rk,0) = ((X)[0]) ^ (((Y)[(q  )%4])>>r) ^ (((Y)[(q+3)%4])<<(32-r)); \
    WO(rk,1) = ((X)[1]) ^ (((Y)[(q+1)%4])>>r) ^ (((Y)[(q  )%4])<<(32-r)); \
    WO(rk,2) = ((X)[2]) ^ (((Y)[(q+2)%4])>>r) ^ (((Y)[(q+1)%4])<<(32-r)); \
    WO(rk,3) = ((X)[3]) ^ (((Y)[(q+3)%4])>>r) ^ (((Y)[(q+2)%4])<<(32-r)); \
    rk += 16;                               \
/* DecKeySetup()에서 사용하는 마크로 */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define WordM1(X,Y) {               \
    w=_lrotr((X), 8);               \
    (Y)=w^_lrotr((X)^w, 16);            \
#define WordM1(X,Y) {                       \
    Y=(X)<<8 ^ (X)>>8 ^ (X)<<16 ^ (X)>>16 ^ (X)<<24 ^ (X)>>24;  \
void printBlockOfLength(Byte *b, int len) {
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<len; i++, b++) {
    printf("%02x", *b);
    if (i%4==3 && i<len-1) printf(" ");
void printBlock(Byte *b) {
  printBlockOfLength(b, 16);
/* 암호화 함수.
 * const Byte *i: 입력
 * int Nr: 라운드 수
 * const Byte *rk: 라운드 키들
 * Byte *o: 출력
void Crypt(const Byte *i, int Nr, const Byte *rk, Byte *o) {
  register Word t0, t1, t2, t3;
  WordLoad(WO(i,0), t0); WordLoad(WO(i,1), t1);
  WordLoad(WO(i,2), t2); WordLoad(WO(i,3), t3);
  if (Nr > 12) {KXL FO KXL FE}
  if (Nr > 14) {KXL FO KXL FE}
  /* 최종 라운드는 특별함 */
  o[ 0] = (Byte)(X1[BRF(t0,24)]   ) ^ rk[ 3];
  o[ 1] = (Byte)(X2[BRF(t0,16)]>>8) ^ rk[ 2];
  o[ 2] = (Byte)(S1[BRF(t0, 8)]   ) ^ rk[ 1];
  o[ 3] = (Byte)(S2[BRF(t0, 0)]   ) ^ rk[ 0];
  o[ 4] = (Byte)(X1[BRF(t1,24)]   ) ^ rk[ 7];
  o[ 5] = (Byte)(X2[BRF(t1,16)]>>8) ^ rk[ 6];
  o[ 6] = (Byte)(S1[BRF(t1, 8)]   ) ^ rk[ 5];
  o[ 7] = (Byte)(S2[BRF(t1, 0)]   ) ^ rk[ 4];
  o[ 8] = (Byte)(X1[BRF(t2,24)]   ) ^ rk[11];
  o[ 9] = (Byte)(X2[BRF(t2,16)]>>8) ^ rk[10];
  o[10] = (Byte)(S1[BRF(t2, 8)]   ) ^ rk[ 9];
  o[11] = (Byte)(S2[BRF(t2, 0)]   ) ^ rk[ 8];
  o[12] = (Byte)(X1[BRF(t3,24)]   ) ^ rk[15];
  o[13] = (Byte)(X2[BRF(t3,16)]>>8) ^ rk[14];
  o[14] = (Byte)(S1[BRF(t3, 8)]   ) ^ rk[13];
  o[15] = (Byte)(S2[BRF(t3, 0)]   ) ^ rk[12];
  o[ 0] = (Byte)(X1[BRF(t0,24)]   );
  o[ 1] = (Byte)(X2[BRF(t0,16)]>>8);
  o[ 2] = (Byte)(S1[BRF(t0, 8)]   );
  o[ 3] = (Byte)(S2[BRF(t0, 0)]   );
  o[ 4] = (Byte)(X1[BRF(t1,24)]   );
  o[ 5] = (Byte)(X2[BRF(t1,16)]>>8);
  o[ 6] = (Byte)(S1[BRF(t1, 8)]   );
  o[ 7] = (Byte)(S2[BRF(t1, 0)]   );
  o[ 8] = (Byte)(X1[BRF(t2,24)]   );
  o[ 9] = (Byte)(X2[BRF(t2,16)]>>8);
  o[10] = (Byte)(S1[BRF(t2, 8)]   );
  o[11] = (Byte)(S2[BRF(t2, 0)]   );
  o[12] = (Byte)(X1[BRF(t3,24)]   );
  o[13] = (Byte)(X2[BRF(t3,16)]>>8);
  o[14] = (Byte)(S1[BRF(t3, 8)]   );
  o[15] = (Byte)(S2[BRF(t3, 0)]   );
  WO(o,0)^=WO(rk,0); WO(o,1)^=WO(rk,1);
  WO(o,2)^=WO(rk,2); WO(o,3)^=WO(rk,3);
/* 암호화 라운드 키 생성
 * const Byte *mk: 마스터 키
 * Byte *rk: 라운드 키
 * int keyBits: 마스터 키의 길이
int EncKeySetup(const Byte *mk, Byte *rk, int keyBits) {
  register Word t0, t1, t2, t3;
  Word w0[4], w1[4], w2[4], w3[4];
  int q, r;
  WordLoad(WO(mk,0), w0[0]); WordLoad(WO(mk,1), w0[1]);
  WordLoad(WO(mk,2), w0[2]); WordLoad(WO(mk,3), w0[3]);
  q = (keyBits - 128) / 64;
  t0=w0[0]^KRK[q][0]; t1=w0[1]^KRK[q][1];
  t2=w0[2]^KRK[q][2]; t3=w0[3]^KRK[q][3];
  if (keyBits > 128) {
    WordLoad(WO(mk,4), w1[0]);
    WordLoad(WO(mk,5), w1[1]);
    if (keyBits > 192) {
      WordLoad(WO(mk,6), w1[2]);
      WordLoad(WO(mk,7), w1[3]);
    } else {
  } else {
  w1[0]^=t0; w1[1]^=t1; w1[2]^=t2; w1[3]^=t3;
  t0=w1[0];  t1=w1[1];  t2=w1[2];  t3=w1[3];
  q = (q==2)? 0 : (q+1);
  t0^=KRK[q][0]; t1^=KRK[q][1]; t2^=KRK[q][2]; t3^=KRK[q][3];
  t0^=w0[0]; t1^=w0[1]; t2^=w0[2]; t3^=w0[3];
  w2[0]=t0; w2[1]=t1; w2[2]=t2; w2[3]=t3;
  q = (q==2)? 0 : (q+1);
  t0^=KRK[q][0]; t1^=KRK[q][1]; t2^=KRK[q][2]; t3^=KRK[q][3];
  w3[0]=t0^w1[0]; w3[1]=t1^w1[1]; w3[2]=t2^w1[2]; w3[3]=t3^w1[3];
  GSRK(w0, w1, 19);
  GSRK(w1, w2, 19);
  GSRK(w2, w3, 19);
  GSRK(w3, w0, 19);
  GSRK(w0, w1, 31);
  GSRK(w1, w2, 31);
  GSRK(w2, w3, 31);
  GSRK(w3, w0, 31);
  GSRK(w0, w1, 67);
  GSRK(w1, w2, 67);
  GSRK(w2, w3, 67);
  GSRK(w3, w0, 67);
  GSRK(w0, w1, 97);
  if (keyBits > 128) {
    GSRK(w1, w2, 97);
    GSRK(w2, w3, 97);
  if (keyBits > 192) {
    GSRK(w3, w0,  97);
    GSRK(w0, w1, 109);
  return (keyBits+256)/32;
/* 복호화 라운드 키 생성
 * const Byte *mk: 마스터 키
 * Byte *rk: 라운드 키
 * int keyBits: 마스터 키의 길이
int DecKeySetup(const Byte *mk, Byte *rk, int keyBits) {
  Word *a, *z;
  int rValue;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
  register Word w;
  register Byte sum;
  register Word t0, t1, t2, t3;
  Word s0, s1, s2, s3;
  rValue=EncKeySetup(mk, rk, keyBits);
  a=(Word *)(rk);  z=a+rValue*4;
  t0=a[0]; t1=a[1]; t2=a[2]; t3=a[3];
  a[0]=z[0]; a[1]=z[1]; a[2]=z[2]; a[3]=z[3];
  z[0]=t0; z[1]=t1; z[2]=t2; z[3]=t3;
  a+=4; z-=4;
  for (; a<z; a+=4, z-=4) {
    WordM1(a[0],t0); WordM1(a[1],t1); WordM1(a[2],t2); WordM1(a[3],t3);
    MM(t0,t1,t2,t3) P(t0,t1,t2,t3) MM(t0,t1,t2,t3)
      s0=t0; s1=t1; s2=t2; s3=t3;
    WordM1(z[0],t0); WordM1(z[1],t1); WordM1(z[2],t2); WordM1(z[3],t3);
    MM(t0,t1,t2,t3) P(t0,t1,t2,t3) MM(t0,t1,t2,t3)
      a[0]=t0; a[1]=t1; a[2]=t2; a[3]=t3;
    z[0]=s0; z[1]=s1; z[2]=s2; z[3]=s3;
  WordM1(a[0],t0); WordM1(a[1],t1); WordM1(a[2],t2); WordM1(a[3],t3);
  MM(t0,t1,t2,t3) P(t0,t1,t2,t3) MM(t0,t1,t2,t3)
    z[0]=t0; z[1]=t1; z[2]=t2; z[3]=t3;
  return rValue;
/* ARIA_test(): 기본적인 테스트를 위한 함수로,
 * 주된 목적은 구현 정확성 검증이라기보다는 제대로 포팅이
 * 이루어졌나 기본적인 확인을 위한 것임.  흔하지
 * 않은 환경으로 포팅했을 경우에는 이 테스트 결과에
 * 만족할 것이 아니라 reference 코드의 결과와 비교하여
 * 충분한 구현 정확성 검증을 거칠 것을 권고함.
void ARIA_test() {
  Byte rk[16*17], c[16], *b, mk[32];
  int i, flag;
  const Word NUMBER=0x00000042;
  Byte p[16]={0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa,
          0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb};
  const Byte cryptResult[] = {
    0x8d, 0x14, 0x70, 0x62, 0x5f, 0x59, 0xeb, 0xac,
    0xb0, 0xe5, 0x5b, 0x53, 0x4b, 0x3e, 0x46, 0x2b};
  printf("BEGIN testing endianness...\n");
  printf("Since you are running this, it means that you have defined \
either LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN.  Let's see if you were correct.\n");
  b=(Byte *)(&NUMBER);
  if (b[0]==0x42) {
    printf("We are on LITTLE_ENDIAN platform.\n");
    printf("WARNING: BIG_ENDIAN defined on LITTLE_ENDIAN platform.\n");
    printf("         You should define LITTLE_ENDIAN instead of BIG_ENDIAN.\n");
    printf("Okay.  You were correct.\n");
  } else {
    printf("We are on BIG_ENDIAN platform.\n");
    printf("WARNING: LITTLE_ENDIAN defined on BIG_ENDIAN platform.\n");
    printf("         You should define BIG_ENDIAN instead of LITTLE_ENDIAN.\n");
    printf("Okay.  You were correct.\n");
  printf("END   testing endianness.\n\n");
  for (i=0; i<16; i++)
  for (i=16; i<24; i++)
  Crypt(p, EncKeySetup(mk, rk, 192), rk, c);
  printf("BEGIN testing basic encryption...\n");
  printf("Testing whether the encryption would come out correctly, \
for 14-round ARIA.\n");
  printf("key      : "); printBlockOfLength(mk, 24); printf("\n");
  printf("plaintext: "); printBlock(p); printf("\n");
  printf("result is: "); printBlock(c); printf("\n");
  printf("should be: "); printBlock((Byte *)cryptResult); printf("\n");
  for (i=0; i<16; i++)
    if (c[i]!=cryptResult[i])
  if (flag==1)
    printf("The result is incorrect!\n");
    printf("Okay.  The result is correct.\n");
  printf("END   testing basic encryption.\n\n");
  for (i=0; i<32; i++)
  for (i=0; i<16; i++)
  printf("BEGIN testing the roundtrip...\n");
  printf("For key size of 192 bits, starting with \
the zero plaintext and the zero key, let's see if \
we may recover the plaintext by decrypting the \
encrypted ciphertext.\n");
  EncKeySetup(mk, rk, 192);
  printf("plaintext : "); printBlock(p); printf("\n");
  Crypt(p, 14, rk,c);
  printf("ciphertext: "); printBlock(c); printf("\n");
  DecKeySetup(mk, rk, 192);
  Crypt(c, 14, rk, p);
  printf("decrypted : "); printBlock(p); printf("\n");
  for (i=0; i<16; i++)
    if (p[i]!=0)
  if (flag==1)
    printf("The result is incorrect!\n");
    printf("Okay.  The result is correct.\n");
  printf("END   testing the roundtrip.\n");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  return 0;

  1. 주의사항
    • 테스트 소스 컴파일 후 빌드 전에 plain.txt를 같은 디렉토리에 만든다.
    • 사내의 centos에서 테스트 되었으며, 다른 환경에서는 Endian이 little Endian이 아닐 수 있다.

  2. 수정한소스(추가한 소스) - 기존 main함수와 ARIA_test()를 삭제하고 아래의 소스를 추가한다. (plain.txt -> encrypt.txt -> decrypt.txt) . plain.txt와 decrypt.txt가 같으면 성공! 

#define LITTLE_ENDIAN                // BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN인지 확인 하여 결정 샘플코드에
// 검증로직이 있다. 기존 #define BIG_ENDIAN은 삭제
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>                    //시간 체크를 위한 헤더파일
int BUFFER_SIZE = 16; //128bit       //파일을 128bit씩 끊어서 읽는다. 마지막의 128bit가 되지 않는 부분은
//padding을 하여 암호화 -> 복호화 후 padding 제거
FILE *source;
FILE *destination;
int n;
int count1= 0,count2=0;
int written = 0;
void initByteBuffer(Byte *pBuffer);
void addPadding(Byte *pBuffer, Byte pChar, int start, int end);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  /*time measurement */
  clock_t before;
  double result;
  before = clock();
  Byte buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
  //rk : round key, c : crypto text, mk : master key
  Byte rk[16*17], c[16], mk[32];
  int i;
  //make master key
  for (i=0; i<16; i++)
  for (i=16; i<24; i++)
  //master key print
  printf("key : "); printBlock(mk); printf("\n");
  //encryption example start
  source = fopen("plain.txt", "rb");
  if(source) {
        destination = fopen("encrypt.txt", "wb");
        while(!feof(source)) {
             n = fread(buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, source);
             if (n > 0) {
                //last block, smaller than 16 byte
                if (n < BUFFER_SIZE) {
                    int paddingSize = BUFFER_SIZE - n;
                    int start = BUFFER_SIZE - paddingSize;
                    //add padding : PKCS7
                    addPadding(buffer, (char)paddingSize, start, BUFFER_SIZE);
                EncKeySetup(mk, rk, 256);
                Crypt(buffer, 16, rk, c);
                count1 += n;
                printf("n = %d\n", n);
                //fwrite(c, 1, n, destination);
                fwrite(c, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, destination);
        printf("%d bytes read from file. \n", count1);
  //decryption example
  source = fopen("encrypt.txt", "rb");
  fseek(source , 0, SEEK_END);
  //get file size
  int filesize=ftell(source);
  printf("file size : %d\n", filesize);
  //get block size & last block size
  int blockCount = 0;
  int lastBlockCount = (filesize % BUFFER_SIZE) == 0 ? filesize/BUFFER_SIZE : filesize/BUFFER_SIZE + 1;
  printf("lastBlockCount is : %d\n", lastBlockCount);
  //cursor init
  fseek(source, 0, 0);
  if(source) {
        destination = fopen("decrypt.txt", "wb");
        while(!feof(source)) {
                n = fread(buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, source);
            if(n > 0) {
                DecKeySetup(mk, rk, 256);
                Crypt(buffer, 16, rk, c);
                count2 += n;
                printf("n = %d\n", n);
                if(blockCount == lastBlockCount) {
                    printf("this is last block count\n");
                    char predictPadSize = c[BUFFER_SIZE-1];
                    printf("padding size %d\n", predictPadSize);
                    if( predictPadSize > BUFFER_SIZE) {
                        predictPadSize = 0;
                    } else {
                        int sizeLast=BUFFER_SIZE-predictPadSize;
                        //delete padding : PKCS7
                        for(sizeLast;sizeLast < BUFFER_SIZE;sizeLast++) {
                                if(c[sizeLast]!= predictPadSize){
                                        predictPadSize = 0;
                    fwrite(c, 1, BUFFER_SIZE - predictPadSize, destination);
                } else {
                    fwrite(c, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, destination);
            } //end of if
        printf("%d bytes read from file. \n", count2);
  result = (double)(clock() - before) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("Total time %5.2f\n", result);
  return 0;
 init buffer function
void initByteBuffer(Byte *pBuffer) {
  int i = 0;
  for(i=0; i<BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
        pBuffer[i] = 0x00;
 add padding to the last block of the file
void addPadding(Byte *pBuffer, Byte pChar, int start, int end) {
  int i = 0;
  for(i=start; i<end; i++) {
        pBuffer[i] = pChar;

  1. ARIA가 현재 실제 많은 곳에서 사용이 되지 않아 자료를 구하기 쉽지 않다. (전자정부프레임워크 - 암호화 복호화에 사용되고 있음)
  2. 평문을 특정 블럭단위로 (보통 16byte:128bit)구분지어 암호화를 하는데 마지막 블록이 16byte가 안될 경우 특정 기준으로 채워야 됩니다. 그때 사용하는 방법이 padding이라는 건데 방법은 다음과 같은 방법이 있다.
    - 패딩되는 바이트의 수오 같은 값으로 모두 패딩 : PKCS7 패딩 (일반적으로 사용)
    - 0x80 패딩 후 0으로 패딩
    - 0으로 패딩 후 마지막 바이트는 패딩되는 바이트의 수로 패딩 : ANSIX923 패딩
    - 0으로 패딩 : Zeros 패딩
    - 0x20으로 패딩
  3. 참조 url
  4. c언어 시간 측정 함수
    출처 : http://parkjunehyun.tistory.com/entry/C%EC%96%B8%EC%96%B4-%EC%8B%A4%ED%96%89%EC%8B%9C%EA%B0%84-%EC%B8%A1%EC%A0%95

[Stop Watch]

#include "stdio.h"
#include "time.h"
void main()
     clock_t before;
     double result;
     before = clock();
     //시간측정이 필요한 로직
      result = (double)(clock() - before) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
     printf("걸린시간 %5.2f\n", result);



AES Encrypt/Decrypt using cryptopp(crypto++)

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 2. 5. 14:24

This article referenced the below URL.



[cryptopp installation]

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/cryptopp/files/latest/download?source=dlp

unzip cryptopp561.zip -d cryptopp

cd cryptopp


ls -al

# You can find "libcryptopp.a" and "*.h".

[g++ options]

g++ aesCfbMode.cpp -I./cryptopp ./cryptopp/libcryptopp.a -lssl -lcrypto -lrt -lm -o aesCfbMode

I need to encrypt/decrypt using AES CFB mode.
The below code is to use AES CFB mode.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include "osrng.h"

using CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool;

#include <iostream>

#include <sstream>

#include <fstream>

using std::ifstream;

using std::ofstream;

using std::cout;

using std::cerr;

using std::endl;

using std::ios;

using std::filebuf;

#include <string>

using std::string;

#include <cstdlib>

using std::exit;

#include "cryptlib.h"

using CryptoPP::Exception;

#include "hex.h"

using CryptoPP::HexEncoder;

using CryptoPP::HexDecoder;

#include "filters.h"

using CryptoPP::StringSink;

using CryptoPP::StringSource;

using CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter;

#include "aes.h"

using CryptoPP::AES;

#include "modes.h"

using CryptoPP::CFB_Mode;

const int32_t BUFFER_SIZE = 32;

void hex2byte(const char *in, uint len, byte *out)


     for (uint i = 0; i < len; i+=2) {

           char c0 = in[i+0];

           char c1 = in[i+1];

           byte c = (

              ((c0 & 0x40 ? (c0 & 0x20 ? c0-0x57 : c0-0x37) : c0-0x30)<<4) |

              ((c1 & 0x40 ? (c1 & 0x20 ? c1-0x57 : c1-0x37) : c1-0x30))


           out[i/2] = c;



int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

        FILE *isfp;

        FILE *osfp;

        ifstream is, cis;

        ofstream os, cos;

        char rBuff[BUFFER_SIZE] = {"\0",};

        char wBuff[BUFFER_SIZE] = {"\0",};

        int readSize = 0;

        int currSize=0, totalSize=0, extraSize=0, buffSize=0;

        string plain, cipher, encoded, recovered;


    // 키 할당


    byte key[CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH];

    memset(key, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH );

    char* rawKey="f4150d4a1ac5708c29e437749045a39a";

    hex2byte(rawKey, strlen(rawKey), key);

    // IV 할당

    byte iv[CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE];

    memset(iv, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE );

    char* rawIv="86afc43868fea6abd40fbf6d5ed50905";

    hex2byte(rawIv, strlen(rawIv), iv);

    // Pretty print key


    StringSource(key, sizeof(key), true,

        new HexEncoder(

            new StringSink(encoded)

        ) // HexEncoder

    ); // StringSource

    cout << "key: " << encoded << endl;

    // Pretty print iv


    StringSource(iv, sizeof(iv), true,

        new HexEncoder(

            new StringSink(encoded)

        ) // HexEncoder

    ); // StringSource

    cout << "iv: " << encoded << endl;

    // encryption scope

    try {

        CFB_Mode< AES >::Encryption e;

        e.SetKeyWithIV(key, sizeof(key), iv);

        is.open("plain.txt", ifstream::binary);

        os.open("cipher.txt", ofstream::ate|ofstream::binary);

        // get file size

        is.seekg (0, ios::end);

        totalSize = is.tellg();

        is.seekg (0, ios::beg);

        cout << "totalSize is : " << totalSize << endl;

        while( !is.eof() ) {

            // calculate extra file size after read file

            // divide by function from here

            extraSize = totalSize - currSize;

            if ( extraSize >= BUFFER_SIZE ) {

                buffSize = BUFFER_SIZE;

            } else {

                buffSize = extraSize;


            currSize = currSize + buffSize;

            // initial read buffer

            memset(rBuff, 0x00, sizeof(rBuff));

            is.read(rBuff, BUFFER_SIZE);

            // char array to string

            plain = string(rBuff, buffSize);

#if 0

            StringSource(plain, true,

                    new StreamTransformationFilter(e,

                            new StringSink(cipher)

                    ) // StreamTransformationFilter

            ); // StringSource


#if 1

            StreamTransformationFilter filter(e);

            filter.Put((const byte*)plain.data(), plain.size());


            const size_t ret = filter.MaxRetrievable();


            filter.Get((byte*)cipher.data(), cipher.size());


            os.write(cipher.c_str(), cipher.size());




    } catch(const CryptoPP::Exception& e) {

        cerr << e.what() << endl;



// decryption scope

    try {

        CFB_Mode< AES >::Decryption d;

        d.SetKeyWithIV(key, sizeof(key), iv);

        isfp = fopen("cipher.txt", "rb");

        cos.open("plain_decrypt.txt", ofstream::ate | ofstream::binary);

        struct stat buf;

        fstat(fileno(isfp), &buf);

        totalSize = buf.st_size;




        while ( !feof(isfp) ) {

            // calculate extra file size after read file

            // divide by function from here

            extraSize = totalSize - currSize;

            if ( extraSize >= BUFFER_SIZE ) {

                buffSize = BUFFER_SIZE;

            } else {

                buffSize = extraSize;


            currSize = currSize + buffSize;

             // initial read buffer

            memset(rBuff, 0x00, sizeof(rBuff));

            fread(rBuff, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, isfp);

            // char array to string

            cipher = string(rBuff, buffSize);

#if 0

            StringSource s(cipher, true,

                new StreamTransformationFilter(d,

                    new StringSink(recovered)

                ) // StreamTransformationFilter

            ); // StringSource


#if 1

            StreamTransformationFilter filter(d);

            filter.Put((const byte*)cipher.data(), cipher.size());


            const size_t ret = filter.MaxRetrievable();


            filter.Get((byte*)recovered.data(), recovered.size());


            cos.write(recovered.c_str(), recovered.size());


    } catch(const CryptoPP::Exception& e) {

            cerr << e.what() << endl;





    return 0;


[cryptopp change]

rename zlib.cpp to zlibcryptopp.cpp

rename zlib.h to zlibcryptopp.h

modified "zlib.h" to "zlibcryptopp.h"


C++ file read/write as buffer size

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 2. 1. 14:55

file read and write as block size.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

const int32_t BUFFER_SIZE = 64;

int main () {
        char* buff;
        int32_t currSize = 0;
        int32_t totalSize = 0;
        int32_t extraSize = 0;

        ifstream is;
        ofstream os;

        is.open ("plain.txt", ifstream::in);
        os.open ("plain_bak.txt", ofstream::ate);

        // get size of file:
        is.seekg (0, ios::end);
        totalSize = is.tellg();
        is.seekg (0, ios::beg);

        cout << "file size : " << totalSize << endl;

        // allocate memory:
        buff = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];

        while ( !is.eof()  ) {
                extraSize = totalSize - currSize;

                if ( extraSize >= BUFFER_SIZE ) {
                        memset(buff, 0x00, BUFFER_SIZE);
                        is.read(buff, BUFFER_SIZE);
                        os.write(buff, BUFFER_SIZE);
                } else {
                        memset(buff, 0x00, BUFFER_SIZE);
                        is.read(buff, extraSize);
                        os.write(buff, extraSize);

                currSize = currSize + BUFFER_SIZE;


        delete[] buff;
        return 0;


c++ string replace

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 2. 1. 13:08

[Reference URL]

The below code is valid on my machine.

str_vector_t sReplVector;

str_vector_const_iterator_t sIterator;

std::string findStr = "";

int32_t pos = 0;

for ( sIterator = sQueryVector1.begin(); sIterator != sQueryVector1.end(); sIterator++ ) {

    findStr = sIterator->c_str();

    pos = findStr.find("INSERT INTO Tbl1");

    LOGDEBUG("[ASIS][sQueryVector1][%s]", sIterator->c_str());

    if ( pos > 0 ) {

        findStr.replace(pos, 17, "INSERT INTO Tbl2");


        LOGDEBUG("[TOBE][sQueryVector1][%s]", findStr.c_str());



General example by cpluscplus.com

// replacing in a string

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main ()
  std::string base="this is a test string.";
  std::string str2="n example";
  std::string str3="sample phrase";
  std::string str4="useful.";

  // replace signatures used in the same order as described above:

  // Using positions:                 0123456789*123456789*12345
  std::string str=base;           // "this is a test string."
  str.replace(9,5,str2);          // "this is an example string." (1)
  str.replace(19,6,str3,7,6);     // "this is an example phrase." (2)
  str.replace(8,10,"just a");     // "this is just a phrase."     (3)
  str.replace(8,6,"a shorty",7);  // "this is a short phrase."    (4)
  str.replace(22,1,3,'!');        // "this is a short phrase!!!"  (5)

  // Using iterators:                                               0123456789*123456789*
  str.replace(str.begin(),str.end()-3,str3);                    // "sample phrase!!!"      (1)
  str.replace(str.begin(),str.begin()+6,"replace");             // "replace phrase!!!"     (3)
  str.replace(str.begin()+8,str.begin()+14,"is coolness",7);    // "replace is cool!!!"    (4)
  str.replace(str.begin()+12,str.end()-4,4,'o');                // "replace is cooool!!!"  (5)
  str.replace(str.begin()+11,str.end(),str4.begin(),str4.end());// "replace is useful."    (6)
  std::cout << str << '\n';
  return 0;


default gcc, g++ compile command

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 1. 31. 14:26

영어는 못하지만 그냥 내 블로그에 글 작성을 이제 부터 영어로 해보려 합니다.
못하니까 이러지 잘하면 이러겠어요.. ㅋㅋ

Recently I'm develop c, c++ program.
So, write default compile command.

gcc FILENAME.c -I/path/to/include -L/path/to/lib -lLINK_NAME -o output

g++ FILENAME.cpp -I/path/to/include -L/path/to/lib -lLINK_NAME -o output

You can reference the below URL.


make options

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 1. 28. 14:32


9.7 Summary of Options

Here is a table of all the options make understands:

These options are ignored for compatibility with other versions of make
Consider all targets out-of-date. GNU make proceeds to consider targets and their prerequisites using the normal algorithms; however, all targets so considered are always remade regardless of the status of their prerequisites. To avoid infinite recursion, if MAKE_RESTARTS (see Other Special Variables) is set to a number greater than 0 this option is disabled when considering whether to remake makefiles (see How Makefiles Are Remade). 
-C dir
Change to directory dir before reading the makefiles. If multiple ‘-C’ options are specified, each is interpreted relative to the previous one: ‘-C / -C etc’ is equivalent to ‘-C /etc’. This is typically used with recursive invocations of make (see Recursive Use ofmake). 

Print debugging information in addition to normal processing. The debugging information says which files are being considered for remaking, which file-times are being compared and with what results, which files actually need to be remade, which implicit rules are considered and which are applied—everything interesting about how make decides what to do. The -d option is equivalent to ‘--debug=a’ (see below). 


Print debugging information in addition to normal processing. Various levels and types of output can be chosen. With no arguments, print the “basic” level of debugging. Possible arguments are below; only the first character is considered, and values must be comma- or space-separated.

a (all)
All types of debugging output are enabled. This is equivalent to using ‘-d’. 
b (basic)
Basic debugging prints each target that was found to be out-of-date, and whether the build was successful or not. 
v (verbose)
A level above ‘basic’; includes messages about which makefiles were parsed, prerequisites that did not need to be rebuilt, etc. This option also enables ‘basic’ messages. 
i (implicit)
Prints messages describing the implicit rule searches for each target. This option also enables ‘basic’ messages. 
j (jobs)
Prints messages giving details on the invocation of specific subcommands. 
m (makefile)
By default, the above messages are not enabled while trying to remake the makefiles. This option enables messages while rebuilding makefiles, too. Note that the ‘all’ option does enable this option. This option also enables ‘basic’ messages.

Give variables taken from the environment precedence over variables from makefiles. See Variables from the Environment

Evaluate string as makefile syntax. This is a command-line version of the eval function (see Eval Function). The evaluation is performed after the default rules and variables have been defined, but before any makefiles are read. 

-f file
Read the file named file as a makefile. See Writing Makefiles

Remind you of the options that make understands and then exit. 

Ignore all errors in recipes executed to remake files. See Errors in Recipes
-I dir
Specifies a directory dir to search for included makefiles. See Including Other Makefiles. If several ‘-I’ options are used to specify several directories, the directories are searched in the order specified. 
-j [jobs]
Specifies the number of recipes (jobs) to run simultaneously. With no argument, make runs as many recipes simultaneously as possible. If there is more than one ‘-j’ option, the last one is effective. See Parallel Execution, for more information on how recipes are run. Note that this option is ignored on MS-DOS. 
Continue as much as possible after an error. While the target that failed, and those that depend on it, cannot be remade, the other prerequisites of these targets can be processed all the same. See Testing the Compilation of a Program
-l [load]
Specifies that no new recipes should be started if there are other recipes running and the load average is at least load (a floating-point number). With no argument, removes a previous load limit. See Parallel Execution
On systems that support symbolic links, this option causes make to consider the timestamps on any symbolic links in addition to the timestamp on the file referenced by those links. When this option is provided, the most recent timestamp among the file and the symbolic links is taken as the modification time for this target file. 

Print the recipe that would be executed, but do not execute it (except in certain circumstances). See Instead of Executing Recipes

-o file
Do not remake the file file even if it is older than its prerequisites, and do not remake anything on account of changes in file. Essentially the file is treated as very old and its rules are ignored. See Avoiding Recompilation of Some Files
Print the data base (rules and variable values) that results from reading the makefiles; then execute as usual or as otherwise specified. This also prints the version information given by the ‘-v’ switch (see below). To print the data base without trying to remake any files, use ‘make -qp’. To print the data base of predefined rules and variables, use ‘make -p -f /dev/null’. The data base output contains filename and linenumber information for recipe and variable definitions, so it can be a useful debugging tool in complex environments. 
“Question mode”. Do not run any recipes, or print anything; just return an exit status that is zero if the specified targets are already up to date, one if any remaking is required, or two if an error is encountered. See Instead of Executing Recipes
Eliminate use of the built-in implicit rules (see Using Implicit Rules). You can still define your own by writing pattern rules (see Defining and Redefining Pattern Rules). The ‘-r’ option also clears out the default list of suffixes for suffix rules (see Old-Fashioned Suffix Rules). But you can still define your own suffixes with a rule for .SUFFIXES, and then define your own suffix rules. Note that only rules are affected by the -r option; default variables remain in effect (see Variables Used by Implicit Rules); see the ‘-R’ option below. 
Eliminate use of the built-in rule-specific variables (see Variables Used by Implicit Rules). You can still define your own, of course. The ‘-R’ option also automatically enables the ‘-r’ option (see above), since it doesn't make sense to have implicit rules without any definitions for the variables that they use. 

Silent operation; do not print the recipes as they are executed. See Recipe Echoing


Cancel the effect of the ‘-k’ option. This is never necessary except in a recursive make where ‘-k’ might be inherited from the top-level make via MAKEFLAGS (see Recursive Use of make) or if you set ‘-k’ in MAKEFLAGS in your environment. 


Touch files (mark them up to date without really changing them) instead of running their recipes. This is used to pretend that the recipes were done, in order to fool future invocations of make. See Instead of Executing Recipes

Print the version of the make program plus a copyright, a list of authors, and a notice that there is no warranty; then exit. 
Print a message containing the working directory both before and after executing the makefile. This may be useful for tracking down errors from complicated nests of recursive make commands. See Recursive Use of make. (In practice, you rarely need to specify this option since ‘make’ does it for you; see The ‘--print-directory’ Option.)
Disable printing of the working directory under -w. This option is useful when -w is turned on automatically, but you do not want to see the extra messages. See The ‘--print-directory’ Option
-W file
Pretend that the target file has just been modified. When used with the ‘-n’ flag, this shows you what would happen if you were to modify that file. Without ‘-n’, it is almost the same as running a touch command on the given file before running make, except that the modification time is changed only in the imagination of make. See Instead of Executing Recipes
Issue a warning message whenever make sees a reference to an undefined variable. This can be helpful when you are trying to debug makefiles which use variables in complex ways.


gerrit 링크

ITWeb/개발일반 2013. 1. 22. 16:23