jeong-ui-MBP:makelogs hwjeong$ makelogs --help
A utility to generate sample log data.
Usage: makelogs [options]
--count, -c Total event that will be created, accepts expressions like "1m" for 1 million (b,m,t,h) [default: 14000]
--days, -d The number of days ± today or two numbers, seperated by a comma, like "-1,+10" or "-10,+100" [default: 1]
--host, -h The host name and port [default: "localhost:9200"]
--auth user:password when you want to connect to a secured elasticsearch cluster over basic auth [default: null]
--shards, -s The number of primary shards [default: 1]
--replicas, -r The number of replica shards [default: 0]
--dry Test/Parse your arguments, but don't actually do anything [default: false]
--help This help message
--reset Clear all logstash-* indices before genrating logs
--verbose Log more info to the console
--trace Log every request to elastisearch, including request bodies. BE CAREFULL