DOM Client Object Cross-Reference:document
ITWeb/개발일반 2007. 9. 6. 00:06DOM Client Object Cross-Reference:document
From MDC
User Agent | Property | Read Only | Data Type | Default Value |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | ATTRIBUTE_NODE | false | number | 2 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | CDATA_SECTION_NODE | false | number | 4 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | COMMENT_NODE | false | number | 8 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE | false | number | 11 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | DOCUMENT_NODE | false | number | 9 |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY | false | number | 16 |
Gecko-1.4+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS | false | number | 4 |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS | false | number | 8 |
Gecko-1.4+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | false | number | 32 |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | false | number | 1 |
Gecko-1.4+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING | false | number | 2 |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING | false | number | 4 |
Gecko-1.4+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | false | number | 16 |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | false | number | 32 |
Gecko-1.4+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_IS_CONTAINED | false | number | 8 |
Gecko-1.4+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING | false | number | 1 |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING | false | number | 2 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE | false | number | 10 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | ELEMENT_NODE | false | number | 1 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | ENTITY_NODE | false | number | 6 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE | false | number | 5 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | NOTATION_NODE | false | number | 12 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE | false | number | 7 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | TEXT_NODE | false | number | 3 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | URL | true | string | |
IE-6.0+ | URL | true | string | |
Opera-8.0+ | URL | true | string | |
IE-6.0+ | URLUnencoded | true | string | |
IE-6.0+ | XMLDocument | true | object | |
IE-6.0+ | XSLDocument | true | object | |
IE-6.0+ | activeElement | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | activeElement | false | object | null |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | actualEncoding | true | string | ISO-8859-1 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | addBinding | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | addEventListener | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | addEventListener | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | adoptNode | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | alinkColor | false | string | |
Gecko-1.4+ | alinkColor | false | string | #0000ee |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | alinkColor | false | string | #ee0000 |
IE-6.0+ | alinkColor | false | string | #0000ff |
Opera-8.0+ | alinkColor | false | string | |
IE-6.0+ | all | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | all | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | anchors | true | object | [object HTMLCollection] |
IE-6.0+ | anchors | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | anchors | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | appendChild | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | appendChild | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | applets | true | object | [object HTMLCollection] |
IE-6.0+ | applets | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | applets | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | attachEvent | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | attachEvent | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | attributes | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | attributes | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | attributes | true | object | null |
Gecko-1.4+ | baseURI | true | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | bgColor | false | string | #ffffff |
IE-6.0+ | bgColor | false | string | #ffffff |
Opera-8.0+ | bgColor | false | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | body | true | object | [object HTMLBodyElement] |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | body | false | object | [object HTMLBodyElement] |
IE-6.0+ | body | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | body | false | object | [object HTMLBodyElement] |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | captureEvents | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | captureEvents | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | characterSet | true | string | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | characterSet | true | string | ISO-8859-1 |
IE-6.0+ | charset | false | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | childNodes | true | object | [object NodeList] |
IE-6.0+ | childNodes | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | childNodes | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | clear | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | clear | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | clear | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | cloneNode | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | cloneNode | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | close | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | close | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | close | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | compareDocumentPosition | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | compatMode | true | string | BackCompat |
IE-6.0+ | compatMode | true | string | [BackCompat | CSS1Compat] |
Opera-8.0+ | compatMode | false | string | QuirksMode |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | contentType | true | string | text/html |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | cookie | false | string | |
IE-6.0+ | cookie | false | string | |
Opera-8.0+ | cookie | false | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createAttribute | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | createAttribute | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createAttribute | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createAttributeNS | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createAttributeNS | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createCDATASection | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createCDATASection | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createComment | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | createComment | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createComment | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createDocumentFragment | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | createDocumentFragment | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createDocumentFragment | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createElement | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | createElement | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createElement | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createElementNS | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createElementNS | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createEntityReference | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createEvent | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createEvent | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | createEventObject | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createExpression | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createNSResolver | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createNodeIterator | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createNodeIterator | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createProcessingInstruction | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createProcessingInstruction | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createRange | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createRange | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | createStyleSheet | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createTextNode | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | createTextNode | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createTextNode | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | createTreeWalker | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | createTreeWalker | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | defaultCharset | true | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | defaultView | true | object | [object Window] |
Opera-8.0+ | defaultView | true | object | [object Window] |
Gecko-1.4+ | designMode | true | string | off |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | designMode | false | string | off |
IE-6.0+ | designMode | false | string | Off |
IE-6.0+ | detachEvent | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | detachEvent | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | dir | true | string | ltr |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | dir | false | string | ltr |
IE-6.0+ | dir | false | string | |
Opera-8.0+ | dir | false | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | dispatchEvent | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | dispatchEvent | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | doctype | true | object | [object DocumentType] |
IE-6.0+ | doctype | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | doctype | true | object | [object DocumentType] |
Opera-8.0+ | document | true | object | [object HTMLDocument] |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | documentElement | true | object | [object HTMLHtmlElement] |
IE-6.0+ | documentElement | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | documentElement | true | object | [object HTMLHtmlElement] |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | documentURI | true | string | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | domConfig | true | unknown | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | domain | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | domain | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | domain | false | string | |
Opera-8.0+ | domain | false | string | |
IE-6.0+ | elementFromPoint | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | elementFromPoint | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | embeds | true | object | [object HTMLCollection] |
IE-6.0+ | embeds | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | embeds | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | evaluate | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | execCommand | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | execCommand | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | execCommandShowHelp | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | expando | false | boolean | true |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | fgColor | false | string | |
Gecko-1.4+ | fgColor | false | string | #000000 |
IE-6.0+ | fgColor | false | string | #000000 |
Opera-8.0+ | fgColor | false | string | #000000 |
IE-6.0+ | fileCreatedDate | true | string | [depends on document] |
IE-6.0+ | fileModifiedDate | true | string | [depends on document] |
IE-6.0+ | fileSize | true | string | [depends on document] |
IE-6.0+ | fileUpdatedDate | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | firstChild | true | object | [object DocumentType] |
IE-6.0+ | firstChild | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | firstChild | true | object | [object HTMLHtmlElement] |
IE-6.0+ | focus | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | forms | true | object | [object HTMLCollection] |
IE-6.0+ | forms | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | forms | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | frames | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | frames | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getAnonymousElementByAttribute | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getAnonymousNodes | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getBindingParent | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getBoxObjectFor | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getElementById | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | getElementById | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | getElementById | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getElementsByName | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | getElementsByName | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | getElementsByName | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getElementsByTagName | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | getElementsByTagName | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | getElementsByTagName | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getElementsByTagNameNS | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | getElementsByTagNameNS | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | getFeature | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | getFeature | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | getSelection | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | getSelection | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | getUserData | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | hasAttributes | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | hasAttributes | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | hasChildNodes | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | hasChildNodes | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | hasFocus | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | height | true | number | 0 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | images | true | object | [object HTMLCollection] |
IE-6.0+ | images | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | images | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | implementation | true | object | [object DOMImplementation] |
IE-6.0+ | implementation | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | implementation | true | object | [object DOMImplementation] |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | importNode | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | importNode | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | insertBefore | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | insertBefore | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | isDefaultNamespace | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | isEqualNode | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | isSameNode | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | isSupported | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | isSupported | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | lastChild | true | object | [object HTMLHtmlElement] |
IE-6.0+ | lastChild | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | lastChild | true | object | [object HTMLHtmlElement] |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | lastModified | true | string | January 1, 1970 GMT |
Gecko-1.4+ | lastModified | true | string | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | lastModified | true | string | [depends on document] |
IE-6.0+ | lastModified | true | string | [depends on document] |
Opera-8.0+ | lastModified | true | string | [depends on document] |
Opera-8.0+ | length | false | number | 0 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | linkColor | false | string | |
Gecko-1.4+ | linkColor | false | string | #0000ee |
IE-6.0+ | linkColor | false | string | #0000ff |
Opera-8.0+ | linkColor | false | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | links | true | object | [object HTMLCollection] |
IE-6.0+ | links | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | links | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | loadBindingDocument | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | localName | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | localName | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | location | true | object | [depends on document] |
Opera-8.0+ | location | false | object | [depends on document] |
Gecko-1.4+ | lookupNamespacePrefix | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | lookupNamespaceURI | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | lookupPrefix | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | media | true | string | |
IE-6.0+ | mergeAttributes | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | mimeType | true | unknown | File |
IE-6.0+ | nameProp | true | string | Object not found! |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | namespaceURI | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | namespaceURI | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | namespaces | true | object | [object] |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | nextSibling | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | nextSibling | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | nextSibling | true | object | null |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | nodeName | true | string | #document |
IE-6.0+ | nodeName | true | string | #document |
Opera-8.0+ | nodeName | true | string | #document |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | nodeType | true | number | 9 |
IE-6.0+ | nodeType | true | number | 9 |
Opera-8.0+ | nodeType | true | number | 9 |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | nodeValue | true | object | null |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | nodeValue | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | nodeValue | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | nodeValue | false | object | null |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | normalize | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | normalize | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | normalizeDocument | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | onactivate | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onafterupdate | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onbeforeactivate | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onbeforecut | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onbeforedeactivate | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onbeforeeditfocus | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onbeforepaste | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onbeforeupdate | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | oncellchange | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onclick | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | oncontextmenu | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | oncontrolselect | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | oncut | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondataavailable | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondatasetchanged | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondatasetcomplete | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondblclick | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondeactivate | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondrag | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondragend | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondragenter | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondragleave | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondragover | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondragstart | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ondrop | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onerrorupdate | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onfocusin | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onfocusout | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onhelp | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onkeydown | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onkeypress | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onkeyup | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmousedown | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmousemove | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmouseout | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmouseover | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmouseup | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmousewheel | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmove | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmoveend | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onmovestart | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onpaste | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onpropertychange | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onreadystatechange | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onresizeend | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onresizestart | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onrowenter | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onrowexit | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onrowsdelete | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onrowsinserted | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onselectionchange | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onselectstart | false | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | onstop | false | object | null |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | open | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | open | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | open | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | ownerDocument | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | ownerDocument | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | ownerDocument | true | object | null |
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IE-6.0+ | parentNode | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | parentNode | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | parentWindow | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | parentWindow | true | object | [object Window] |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | plugins | true | object | [object HTMLCollection] |
IE-6.0+ | plugins | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | plugins | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | prefix | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | prefix | false | object | null |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | previousSibling | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | previousSibling | true | object | null |
Opera-8.0+ | previousSibling | true | object | null |
IE-6.0+ | protocol | false | string | [depends on document] |
Gecko-1.4+ | queryCommandEnabled | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | queryCommandEnabled | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | queryCommandIndeterm | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | queryCommandIndeterm | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | queryCommandState | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | queryCommandState | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | queryCommandSupported | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | queryCommandSupported | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | queryCommandText | true | function | |
Gecko-1.4+ | queryCommandValue | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | queryCommandValue | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | readyState | true | string | [uninitialize | loading | loaded | interactive | complete] |
Opera-8.0+ | readyState | false | string | complete |
IE-6.0+ | recalc | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | referrer | true | string | |
IE-6.0+ | referrer | true | string | |
Opera-8.0+ | referrer | true | string | |
IE-6.0+ | releaseCapture | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | releaseEvents | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | releaseEvents | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | removeBinding | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | removeChild | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | removeChild | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | removeEventListener | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | removeEventListener | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | renameNode | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | replaceChild | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | replaceChild | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | routeEvent | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | scripts | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | scripts | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | security | true | string | This type of document does not have a security certificate. |
IE-6.0+ | selection | true | object | [object] |
Opera-8.0+ | selection | false | object | [object Selection] |
IE-6.0+ | setActive | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | setBoxObjectFor | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | setUserData | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | strictErrorChecking | false | boolean | true |
Gecko-0.9.3+ | styleSheets | true | object | [object StyleSheetList] |
IE-6.0+ | styleSheets | true | object | [object] |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | textContent | false | object | null |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | title | false | string | |
IE-6.0+ | title | false | string | [depends on document] |
Opera-8.0+ | title | false | string | |
IE-6.0+ | uniqueID | true | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | vlinkColor | false | string | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | vlinkColor | false | string | #551a8b |
IE-6.0+ | vlinkColor | false | string | #800080 |
Opera-8.0+ | vlinkColor | false | string | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | width | true | number | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | write | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | write | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | write | true | function | |
Gecko-1.0.1+ | writeln | true | function | |
IE-6.0+ | writeln | true | function | |
Opera-8.0+ | writeln | true | function | |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | xmlEncoding | true | object | null |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | xmlStandalone | true | boolean | false |
Gecko-1.7.8+ | xmlVersion | true | object | null |