[펌] Java Annotation

ITWeb/개발일반 2009. 5. 12. 20:08

[원본 글]

기본적으로 알고 계셔야 하는 annotation 이지요... :)


The @Deprecated (in the API reference documentation) annotation indicates that the marked method should no longer be used. The compiler generates a warning whenever a program uses a deprecated method, class, or variable. When an element is deprecated, it should be documented using the corresponding @deprecated tag, as shown in the preceding example. Notice that the tag starts with a lowercase "d" and the annotation starts with an uppercase "D". In general, you should avoid using deprecated methods — consult the documentation to see what to use instead.


The @Override (in the API reference documentation) annotation informs the compiler that the element is meant to override an element declared in a superclass. In the preceding example, the override annotation is used to indicate that the getPreferredFood method in the Horse class overrides the same method in the Animal class. If a method marked with @Override fails to override a method in one of its superclasses, the compiler generates an error.

While it's not required to use this annotation when overriding a method, it can be useful to call the fact out explicitly, especially when the method returns a subtype of the return type of the overridden method. This practice, called covariant return types, is used in the previous example: Animal.getPreferredFood returns a Food instance. Horse.getPreferredFood (Horse is a subclass of Animal) returns an instance of Hay (a subclass of Food). For more information, see Overriding and Hiding Methods (in the Learning the Java Language trail).


The @SuppressWarnings (in the API reference documentation) annotation tells the compiler to suppress specific warnings that it would otherwise generate. In the previous example, the useDeprecatedMethod calls a deprecated method of Animal. Normally, the compiler generates a warning but, in this case, it is suppressed.

Every compiler warning belongs to a category. The Java Language Specification lists two categories: "deprecation" and "unchecked". The "unchecked" warning can occur when interfacing with legacy code written before the advent of generics. To suppress more than one category of warnings, use the following syntax:

@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation"})

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