JavaScript Loops
ITWeb/개발일반 2008. 2. 20. 16:28•JavaScript Loops
§for (var=startvalue;var<=endvalue;var=var+increment) {
§ code to be executed
§for (variable in object) {
§ code to be executed
§while (var<=endvalue) {
§ code to be executed
§do {
§ code to be executed
§} while (var<=endvalue);
–break / continue (break label / continue label)
§for (i=0;i<=10;i++) {
§ if (i==3) {
§ break;
§ }
§ document.write("The number is " + I + "<br />");
§forLable : for (i=0;i<=10;i++) {
§ if (i==3) {
§ continue forLable;
§ }
§ document.write("The number is " + I + "<br />");
§with ( document ) { // 반복 시킬 객체
§ write(“생략된 객체 반복1<br>”); // 구문
§ write(“생략된 객체 반복2<br>”); // 구문