[Elasticsearch - The Definitive Guide] Making Changes Persistent
Elastic/TheDefinitiveGuide 2015. 12. 9. 17:02per-segment search works 와 더불어 알아 두면 좋을 것 같아 올려봅니다.
원문 Snippet)
Elasticsearch uses this commit point during startup or when reopening an index to decide which segments belong to the current shard.
Elasticsearch added a translog, or transaction log, which records every operation in Elasticsearch as it happens.
아래는 원문에 나와 있는 Making Changes Persistent 에 대한 flow 정리 입니다.
1) write in-memory buffer & translog
2) write new segment file without fsync
3) flush in-memory buffer (run refresh and not yet flush)
4) write in-memory buffer & append translog
5) write new segment file (run flush)
6) flush in-memory buffer
7) write commit point on disk
8) flush filesystem cache with fsync
9) delete old translog
10) create new translog
기본적으로 refresh 와 flush 는 간단하게 아래와 같이 이해 하시면 됩니다.
- refresh
검색 가능한 상태로 만들어 줍니다.
- flush
fsync 작업을 합니다. (commit point 기록 및 translog 제거)