vimrc 설정
ITWeb/서버관리 2012. 6. 11. 12:51[원본글]
저는 최소 설정만 주로 사용합니다.
syntax on
filetype on
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=utf-8,cp949,default,latin1
set termencoding=utf-8
set number
set autoindent
set cindent
set smartindent
set ruler
set nocompatible
set shiftwidth=4
set tabstop=4
set showmatch
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set backspace=2
set paste
set history=500
set hlsearch
set wrapscan
1 " #################### Vim #################### 2 " ########## File ########## 3 set nocompatible 4 set backspace=indent,eol,start " Backspace 사용에 이전 줄과 연결 5 set backup " Backup 활성화 6 set backupdir=~/.vim/backup 7 set history=50 " 명령어 기록 수 8 set novisualbell " 화면 깜빡임 사용안함 9 set noerrorbells " 오류음 사용안함 10 set lazyredraw " 매크로 실행중 화면을 다시 그리지 않음 11 set loadplugins " 프로그램 시작시에 플러그인 로딩 12 13 set encoding=utf-8 " encoding 설정 14 set fileencodings=utf-8,cp949,default,latin1 15 set termencoding=utf-8 16 17 set printencoding=utf-8 " 인쇄 encoding 옵션 18 set printmbcharset=ISO10646 19 set printmbfont=r:NanumGothiccoding,c:yes,a:yes 20 21 " GUI 설정 22 if has("gui_running") 23 " 글꼴 설정 24 if has("win32") 25 set guifont=Consolas:h9:cHANGEUL 26 elseif has("unix") 27 set guifont=Consolas\ 9 " 글꼴 설정 28 set guifontwide=NanumGothicCoding\ 9 29 endif 30 set printfont=NanumGothicCoding\ 9 31 32 " 메뉴 설정 33 " set go-=m " 메뉴 34 " set go-=T " 툴바 35 set go-=l " 스크롤바 36 set go-=L 37 set go-=r 38 set go-=R 39 set go-=b 40 41 " 마우스 설정 42 set mouse=n " 마우스 이동제한 43 set nomousefocus 44 set mousemodel=popup " 마우스 동작은 popup 45 46 " 창 크기 설정 47 set lines=40 48 set co=90 49 endif 50 51 " 이전 편집 부분에서 다시 열기 52 autocmd BufReadPost * 53 \ if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | 54 \ exe "normal! g`\"" | 55 \ endif 56 57 " ########## Edit ########## 58 set paste " 붙여넣기시 계단 현상 제거 59 set foldmethod=manual " 코드 생략은 파일형식에서 설정 60 set autoindent " 자동 들여쓰기 사용 61 set wrapscan " 검색시, 파일 끝에서 되돌리기 62 set nojoinspaces " 줄 연결은 공백을 하나만 지정함 63 set tabstop=4 " tab 간격 64 set expandtab 65 set softtabstop=4 66 set shiftwidth=4 " 자동 들여쓰기 간격 67 set showmatch " 괄호 반전 68 set autowrite " 자동저장 69 set listchars=tab:\|\ ,trail:.,extends:>,precedes:<,eol:$ " 공백문자 표시 70 set list 71 set dip=iwhite " 파일비교시 공백만 무시 72 set textwidth=0 " 텍스트 입력의 width 제한은 없음 73 74 " ########## Tool ########## 75 " ########## Syntax ########## 76 " highlight를 표시함 77 if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running") 78 syntax on 79 set hlsearch 80 endif 81 82 highlight clear 83 set background=dark 84 highlight Normal guifg=Gray80 guibg=Black ctermfg=White 85 highlight Search guifg=LightRed guibg=Black gui=reverse ctermfg=LightRed ctermbg=DarkGray cterm=reverse 86 highlight Visual guifg=Gray25 guibg=DarkGray ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=DarkGray 87 highlight Cursor guifg=Black guibg=Green ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Green 88 highlight CursorIM guifg=Black guibg=Yellow ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Yellow 89 highlight Special guifg=Orange ctermfg=Brown 90 highlight Comment guifg=Green guibg=Black ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=italic 91 highlight StatusLine guifg=White guibg=Blue gui=NONE ctermfg=White ctermbg=Blue 92 highlight Statement guifg=Yellow gui=NONE ctermfg=Yellow cterm=NONE 93 highlight Type guifg=Cyan gui=NONE ctermfg=Cyan 94 highlight Structure guifg=Red guibg=Black 95 highlight Constant guifg=Green guibg=Black ctermfg=Gray 96 highlight String guifg=LightMagenta guibg=Black ctermfg=LightMagenta gui=italic 97 highlight Number guifg=Magenta ctermfg=Magenta 98 highlight Identifier guifg=Orange guibg=Black ctermfg=DarkYellow 99 highlight MatchParen guifg=Black guibg=LightBlue 100 highlight Folded guifg=Orange guibg=Black ctermfg=DarkGreen 101 highlight link IncSearch Visual 102 highlight link Character Constant 103 highlight link Boolean Constant 104 highlight link Float Number 105 highlight link typedef Type 106 highlight link Operator Statement 107 highlight link Keyword Statement 108 highlight link Exception Statement 109 110 " ########## Window ########## 111 set number " 줄번호 표시 112 set nuw=5 113 set linespace=0 " 줄간격 114 set nowrap " 줄바꿈 안함 115 set ruler " 커서 위치를 표시함 116 set showcmd " 마지막 라인에 커맨드표시 117 118 " Status 모양 119 highlight User1 term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=Cyan ctermbg=Blue gui=underline gui=bold guifg=#40ffff guibg=#0000aa 120 highlight User2 term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=green gui=underline guifg=#00ff00 121 highlight User3 term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=yellow gui=underline guifg=#ffff00 122 highlight User4 term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=white gui=underline guifg=#ffffff 123 highlight User5 ctermfg=cyan 124 highlight User6 ctermfg=white 125 set statusline=%4*%<\ %1*[%F] 126 set statusline+=%4*\ %5*[%{&encoding}, " encoding 127 set statusline+=%{&fileformat}]%m " file format 128 set statusline+=%4*%=\ %6*%y%4*\ %3*%l%4*/%L,\ %3*%c%4*\ \<\ %2*%P%4*\ \> 129 set laststatus=2 130 131 " ########## Short Cuts ########## 132 " Shift+Enter로 아래줄로 커서 넘기기 기능 133 map <S-CR> <ESC>o 134 map! <S-CR> <ESC>o 135 "현재 줄의 마지막에 이어 쓰기 136 map! <C-TAB> <S-CR><ESC>i<BACKSPACE> 137 " 영역이 지정된 상태에서 Tab과 Shift+Tab으로 들여쓰기/내어쓰기를 할 수 있도록 함. 138 " map <Tab> >gv 139 " map <S-Tab> <gv 140 " Tab 열기, 이동 141 map <F2> :tabnew<CR> 142 map <F4> :w<CR> 143 map <C-h> gT 144 map <C-l> gt 145 " 코드 폴딩 146 " map <C-k> zc 147 " map <C-j> zo 148 " Shell 호출 149 map <F9> :shell<CR> 150 151 " Trinity의 설정 152 "" Open and close all the three plugins on the same time 153 nmap <F8> :TrinityToggleAll<CR> 154 " // Set the height of Source Explorer window 155 let g:SrcExpl_winHeight = 8 156 " // Set 100 ms for refreshing the Source Explorer 157 let g:SrcExpl_refreshTime = 100 158 " // Set "Enter" key to jump into the exact definition context 159 " let g:SrcExpl_jumpKey = "<ENTER>" 160 " // Set "Space" key for back from the definition context 161 let g:SrcExpl_gobackKey = "<SPACE>" 162 " // In order to Avoid conflicts, the Source Explorer should know what plugins 163 " // are using buffers. And you need add their bufname into the list below 164 " // according to the command ":buffers!" 165 let g:SrcExpl_pluginList = [ 166 \ "__Tag_List__", 167 \ "_NERD_tree_", 168 \ "Source_Explorer" 169 \ ] 170 " // Enable/Disable the local definition searching, and note that this is not 171 " // guaranteed to work, the Source Explorer doesn't check the syntax for now. 172 " // It only searches for a match with the keyword according to command 'gd' 173 let g:SrcExpl_searchLocalDef = 1 174 " // Do not let the Source Explorer update the tags file when opening 175 let g:SrcExpl_isUpdateTags = 0 176 " // Use 'Exuberant Ctags' with '--sort=foldcase -R .' or '-L cscope.files' to 177 " // create/update a tags file 178 let g:SrcExpl_updateTagsCmd = "ctags --sort=foldcase -R ." 179 " // Set "<F12>" key for updating the tags file artificially 180 let g:SrcExpl_updateTagsKey = "<F12>" 181 182 " ########## File Type ########## 183 filetype plugin on " 파일 종류 자동 인식 184 filetype indent on 185 186 if has("autocmd") 187 autocmd FileType * map <F12> :w<CR> 188 189 " 자동완성 190 autocmd FileType * inoremap { {}<LEFT> 191 autocmd FileType * inoremap [ []<LEFT> 192 autocmd FileType * inoremap ( ()<LEFT> 193 autocmd FileType * inoremap " ""<LEFT> 194 autocmd FileType * inoremap ' ''<LEFT> 195 196 " Python 설정 197 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.py setfiletype python 198 autocmd BufNewFile *.py 0r ~/.vim/templetes/ 199 autocmd FileType python set syntax=python 200 autocmd FileType python set autoindent 201 autocmd FileType python set foldmethod=indent 202 autocmd FileType python set complete+=k~/.vim/syntax/python.vim isk+=.,( 203 autocmd FileType python noremap <F12> :w<CR>:!python %<CR> 204 autocmd FileType python noremap <C-F12> :w<CR>:!python % 205 206 " R 설정 207 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.R setfiletype r 208 autocmd BufNewFile *.R 0r ~/.vim/templetes/skeleton.R 209 autocmd FileType r set syntax=r 210 autocmd FileType r set autoindent 211 autocmd FileType r set foldmethod=indent 212 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.R inoremap { {<CR>}<C-O>O 213 214 " Graphviz 설정 215 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.dot set autoindent 216 autocmd BufNewFile *.dot 0r ~/.vim/templetes/ 217 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.dot noremap <F12> :w<CR>:!dot -Tpng % -O<CR>:!eog %.png<CR> 218 endif