CUBRID CCI Error Codes and Messages
ITWeb/개발일반 2012. 6. 8. 17:51[원본링크]
CUBRID CCI Error Codes and Messages
The following list displays the error messages raised in CUBRID CCI API.
CCI Error Code Number | CCI Error Code | Error Message | Note |
0 | CCI_ER_NO_ERROR | ||
-1 | CCI_ER_DBMS | "CUBRID DBMS Error" | Fails to database connection. |
-2 | CCI_ER_CON_HANDLE | "Invalid connection handle" | |
-3 | CCI_ER_NO_MORE_MEMORY | "Memory allocation error" | Insufficient memory |
-4 | CCI_ER_COMMUNICATION | "Cannot communicate with server" | |
-5 | CCI_ER_NO_MORE_DATA | "Invalid cursor position" | |
-6 | CCI_ER_TRAN_TYPE | "Unknown transaction type" | |
-7 | CCI_ER_STRING_PARAM | "Invalid string argument" | string parameter is NULL or an empty string. |
-8 | CCI_ER_TYPE_CONVERSION | "Type conversion error" | Cannot convert the given value into an actual data type. |
-9 | CCI_ER_BIND_INDEX | "Parameter index is out of range" | Index that binds data is not valid. |
-10 | CCI_ER_ATYPE | "Invalid T_CCI_A_TYPE value" | |
-11 | CCI_ER_NOT_BIND | ||
-12 | CCI_ER_PARAM_NAME | "Invalid T_CCI_DB_PARAM value" | |
-13 | CCI_ER_COLUMN_INDEX | "Column index is out of range" | |
-15 | CCI_ER_FILE | "Cannot open file" | Fails to open/read/write a file. |
-16 | CCI_ER_CONNECT | "Cannot connect to CUBRID CAS" | Fails to connect the CAS when trying connection to the server. |
-17 | CCI_ER_ALLOC_CON_HANDLE | "Cannot allocate connection handle" | |
-18 | CCI_ER_REQ_HANDLE | "Cannot allocate request handle" | |
-19 | CCI_ER_INVALID_CURSOR_POS | "Invalid cursor position" | |
-20 | CCI_ER_OBJECT | "Invalid oid string" | |
-21 | CCI_ER_CAS | ||
-22 | CCI_ER_HOSTNAME | "Unknown host name" | |
-23 | CCI_ER_OID_CMD | "Invalid T_CCI_OID_CMD value" | |
-24 | CCI_ER_BIND_ARRAY_SIZE | "Array binding size is not specified" | |
-25 | CCI_ER_ISOLATION_LEVEL | "Unknown transaction isolation level" | |
-26 | CCI_ER_SET_INDEX | "Invalid set index" | Invalid index is specified when an set element in the T_SET is retrieved. |
-27 | CCI_ER_DELETED_TUPLE | "Current row was deleted" | |
-28 | CCI_ER_SAVEPOINT_CMD | "Invalid T_CCI_SAVEPOINT_CMD value" | Invalid T_CCI_SAVEPOINT_CMD value is used as an argument of cci_savepoint() function. |
-29 | CCI_ER_THREAD_RUNNING | "Thread is running" | The thread is still executed when cci_execute() is executed with CCI_EXEC_THREAD flaged and check the result of thread execution through cci_get_thread_result(). |
-30 | CCI_ER_INVALID_URL | "Invalid url string" | |