'_cat'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2016.12.06 [Elasticsearch] _cat nodes/indices help
  2. 2014.02.14 [Elasticsearch] 1.0.0 릴리즈 이후... 변경된 것중 하나..

[Elasticsearch] _cat nodes/indices help

Elastic/Elasticsearch 2016. 12. 6. 12:18

그냥 볼일이 있어서 올려봅니다.

nodes 랑 indices 만.



id                               | id,nodeId                          | unique node id                                                                                                   
pid                              | p                                  | process id                                                                                                       
host                             | h                                  | host name                                                                                                        
ip                               | i                                  | ip address                                                                                                       
port                             | po                                 | bound transport port                                                                                             
version                          | v                                  | es version                                                                                                       
build                            | b                                  | es build hash                                                                                                    
jdk                              | j                                  | jdk version                                                                                                      
disk.avail                       | d,disk,diskAvail                   | available disk space                                                                                             
heap.current                     | hc,heapCurrent                     | used heap                                                                                                        
heap.percent                     | hp,heapPercent                     | used heap ratio                                                                                                  
heap.max                         | hm,heapMax                         | max configured heap                                                                                              
ram.current                      | rc,ramCurrent                      | used machine memory                                                                                              
ram.percent                      | rp,ramPercent                      | used machine memory ratio                                                                                        
ram.max                          | rm,ramMax                          | total machine memory                                                                                             
file_desc.current                | fdc,fileDescriptorCurrent          | used file descriptors                                                                                            
file_desc.percent                | fdp,fileDescriptorPercent          | used file descriptor ratio                                                                                       
file_desc.max                    | fdm,fileDescriptorMax              | max file descriptors                                                                                             
cpu                              | cpu                                | recent cpu usage                                                                                                 
load                             | l                                  | most recent load avg                                                                                             
uptime                           | u                                  | node uptime                                                                                                      
node.role                        | r,role,dc,nodeRole                 | d:data node, c:client node                                                                                       
master                           | m                                  | m:master-eligible, *:current master                                                                              
name                             | n                                  | node name                                                                                                        
completion.size                  | cs,completionSize                  | size of completion                                                                                               
fielddata.memory_size            | fm,fielddataMemory                 | used fielddata cache                                                                                             
fielddata.evictions              | fe,fielddataEvictions              | fielddata evictions                                                                                              
query_cache.memory_size          | qcm,queryCacheMemory               | used query cache                                                                                                 
query_cache.evictions            | qce,queryCacheEvictions            | query cache evictions                                                                                            
request_cache.memory_size        | rcm,requestCacheMemory             | used request cache                                                                                               
request_cache.evictions          | rce,requestCacheEvictions          | request cache evictions                                                                                          
request_cache.hit_count          | rchc,requestCacheHitCount          | request cache hit counts                                                                                         
request_cache.miss_count         | rcmc,requestCacheMissCount         | request cache miss counts                                                                                        
flush.total                      | ft,flushTotal                      | number of flushes                                                                                                
flush.total_time                 | ftt,flushTotalTime                 | time spent in flush                                                                                              
get.current                      | gc,getCurrent                      | number of current get ops                                                                                        
get.time                         | gti,getTime                        | time spent in get                                                                                                
get.total                        | gto,getTotal                       | number of get ops                                                                                                
get.exists_time                  | geti,getExistsTime                 | time spent in successful gets                                                                                    
get.exists_total                 | geto,getExistsTotal                | number of successful gets                                                                                        
get.missing_time                 | gmti,getMissingTime                | time spent in failed gets                                                                                        
get.missing_total                | gmto,getMissingTotal               | number of failed gets                                                                                            
indexing.delete_current          | idc,indexingDeleteCurrent          | number of current deletions                                                                                      
indexing.delete_time             | idti,indexingDeleteTime            | time spent in deletions                                                                                          
indexing.delete_total            | idto,indexingDeleteTotal           | number of delete ops                                                                                             
indexing.index_current           | iic,indexingIndexCurrent           | number of current indexing ops                                                                                   
indexing.index_time              | iiti,indexingIndexTime             | time spent in indexing                                                                                           
indexing.index_total             | iito,indexingIndexTotal            | number of indexing ops                                                                                           
indexing.index_failed            | iif,indexingIndexFailed            | number of failed indexing ops                                                                                    
merges.current                   | mc,mergesCurrent                   | number of current merges                                                                                         
merges.current_docs              | mcd,mergesCurrentDocs              | number of current merging docs                                                                                   
merges.current_size              | mcs,mergesCurrentSize              | size of current merges                                                                                           
merges.total                     | mt,mergesTotal                     | number of completed merge ops                                                                                    
merges.total_docs                | mtd,mergesTotalDocs                | docs merged                                                                                                      
merges.total_size                | mts,mergesTotalSize                | size merged                                                                                                      
merges.total_time                | mtt,mergesTotalTime                | time spent in merges                                                                                             
percolate.current                | pc,percolateCurrent                | number of current percolations                                                                                   
percolate.memory_size            | pm,percolateMemory                 | memory used by percolations                                                                                      
percolate.queries                | pq,percolateQueries                | number of registered percolation queries                                                                         
percolate.time                   | pti,percolateTime                  | time spent percolating                                                                                           
percolate.total                  | pto,percolateTotal                 | total percolations                                                                                               
refresh.total                    | rto,refreshTotal                   | total refreshes                                                                                                  
refresh.time                     | rti,refreshTime                    | time spent in refreshes                                                                                          
script.compilations              | scrcc,scriptCompilations           | script compilations                                                                                              
script.cache_evictions           | scrce,scriptCacheEvictions         | script cache evictions                                                                                           
search.fetch_current             | sfc,searchFetchCurrent             | current fetch phase ops                                                                                          
search.fetch_time                | sfti,searchFetchTime               | time spent in fetch phase                                                                                        
search.fetch_total               | sfto,searchFetchTotal              | total fetch ops                                                                                                  
search.open_contexts             | so,searchOpenContexts              | open search contexts                                                                                             
search.query_current             | sqc,searchQueryCurrent             | current query phase ops                                                                                          
search.query_time                | sqti,searchQueryTime               | time spent in query phase                                                                                        
search.query_total               | sqto,searchQueryTotal              | total query phase ops                                                                                            
search.scroll_current            | scc,searchScrollCurrent            | open scroll contexts                                                                                             
search.scroll_time               | scti,searchScrollTime              | time scroll contexts held open                                                                                   
search.scroll_total              | scto,searchScrollTotal             | completed scroll contexts                                                                                        
segments.count                   | sc,segmentsCount                   | number of segments                                                                                               
segments.memory                  | sm,segmentsMemory                  | memory used by segments                                                                                          
segments.index_writer_memory     | siwm,segmentsIndexWriterMemory     | memory used by index writer                                                                                      
segments.index_writer_max_memory | siwmx,segmentsIndexWriterMaxMemory | maximum memory index writer may use before it must write buffered documents to a new segment                     
segments.version_map_memory      | svmm,segmentsVersionMapMemory      | memory used by version map                                                                                       
segments.fixed_bitset_memory     | sfbm,fixedBitsetMemory             | memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and type filters for types referred in _parent fields
suggest.current                  | suc,suggestCurrent                 | number of current suggest ops                                                                                    
suggest.time                     | suti,suggestTime                   | time spend in suggest                                                                                            
suggest.total                    | suto,suggestTotal                  | number of suggest ops    



health                               | h                                  | current health status                                                                                            
status                               | s                                  | open/close status                                                                                                
index                                | i,idx                              | index name                                                                                                       
pri                                  | p,shards.primary,shardsPrimary     | number of primary shards                                                                                         
rep                                  | r,shards.replica,shardsReplica     | number of replica shards                                                                                         
docs.count                           | dc,docsCount                       | available docs                                                                                                   
docs.deleted                         | dd,docsDeleted                     | deleted docs                                                                                                     
creation.date                        | cd                                 | index creation date (millisecond value)                                                                          
creation.date.string                 | cds                                | index creation date (as string)                                                                                  
store.size                           | ss,storeSize                       | store size of primaries & replicas                                                                               
pri.store.size                       |                                    | store size of primaries                                                                                          
completion.size                      | cs,completionSize                  | size of completion                                                                                               
pri.completion.size                  |                                    | size of completion                                                                                               
fielddata.memory_size                | fm,fielddataMemory                 | used fielddata cache                                                                                             
pri.fielddata.memory_size            |                                    | used fielddata cache                                                                                             
fielddata.evictions                  | fe,fielddataEvictions              | fielddata evictions                                                                                              
pri.fielddata.evictions              |                                    | fielddata evictions                                                                                              
query_cache.memory_size              | qcm,queryCacheMemory               | used query cache                                                                                                 
pri.query_cache.memory_size          |                                    | used query cache                                                                                                 
query_cache.evictions                | qce,queryCacheEvictions            | query cache evictions                                                                                            
pri.query_cache.evictions            |                                    | query cache evictions                                                                                            
request_cache.memory_size            | rcm,requestCacheMemory             | used request cache                                                                                               
pri.request_cache.memory_size        |                                    | used request cache                                                                                               
request_cache.evictions              | rce,requestCacheEvictions          | request cache evictions                                                                                          
pri.request_cache.evictions          |                                    | request cache evictions                                                                                          
request_cache.hit_count              | rchc,requestCacheHitCount          | request cache hit count                                                                                          
pri.request_cache.hit_count          |                                    | request cache hit count                                                                                          
request_cache.miss_count             | rcmc,requestCacheMissCount         | request cache miss count                                                                                         
pri.request_cache.miss_count         |                                    | request cache miss count                                                                                         
flush.total                          | ft,flushTotal                      | number of flushes                                                                                                
pri.flush.total                      |                                    | number of flushes                                                                                                
flush.total_time                     | ftt,flushTotalTime                 | time spent in flush                                                                                              
pri.flush.total_time                 |                                    | time spent in flush                                                                                              
get.current                          | gc,getCurrent                      | number of current get ops                                                                                        
pri.get.current                      |                                    | number of current get ops                                                                                        
get.time                             | gti,getTime                        | time spent in get                                                                                                
pri.get.time                         |                                    | time spent in get                                                                                                
get.total                            | gto,getTotal                       | number of get ops                                                                                                
pri.get.total                        |                                    | number of get ops                                                                                                
get.exists_time                      | geti,getExistsTime                 | time spent in successful gets                                                                                    
pri.get.exists_time                  |                                    | time spent in successful gets                                                                                    
get.exists_total                     | geto,getExistsTotal                | number of successful gets                                                                                        
pri.get.exists_total                 |                                    | number of successful gets                                                                                        
get.missing_time                     | gmti,getMissingTime                | time spent in failed gets                                                                                        
pri.get.missing_time                 |                                    | time spent in failed gets                                                                                        
get.missing_total                    | gmto,getMissingTotal               | number of failed gets                                                                                            
pri.get.missing_total                |                                    | number of failed gets                                                                                            
indexing.delete_current              | idc,indexingDeleteCurrent          | number of current deletions                                                                                      
pri.indexing.delete_current          |                                    | number of current deletions                                                                                      
indexing.delete_time                 | idti,indexingDeleteTime            | time spent in deletions                                                                                          
pri.indexing.delete_time             |                                    | time spent in deletions                                                                                          
indexing.delete_total                | idto,indexingDeleteTotal           | number of delete ops                                                                                             
pri.indexing.delete_total            |                                    | number of delete ops                                                                                             
indexing.index_current               | iic,indexingIndexCurrent           | number of current indexing ops                                                                                   
pri.indexing.index_current           |                                    | number of current indexing ops                                                                                   
indexing.index_time                  | iiti,indexingIndexTime             | time spent in indexing                                                                                           
pri.indexing.index_time              |                                    | time spent in indexing                                                                                           
indexing.index_total                 | iito,indexingIndexTotal            | number of indexing ops                                                                                           
pri.indexing.index_total             |                                    | number of indexing ops                                                                                           
indexing.index_failed                | iif,indexingIndexFailed            | number of failed indexing ops                                                                                    
pri.indexing.index_failed            |                                    | number of failed indexing ops                                                                                    
merges.current                       | mc,mergesCurrent                   | number of current merges                                                                                         
pri.merges.current                   |                                    | number of current merges                                                                                         
merges.current_docs                  | mcd,mergesCurrentDocs              | number of current merging docs                                                                                   
pri.merges.current_docs              |                                    | number of current merging docs                                                                                   
merges.current_size                  | mcs,mergesCurrentSize              | size of current merges                                                                                           
pri.merges.current_size              |                                    | size of current merges                                                                                           
merges.total                         | mt,mergesTotal                     | number of completed merge ops                                                                                    
pri.merges.total                     |                                    | number of completed merge ops                                                                                    
merges.total_docs                    | mtd,mergesTotalDocs                | docs merged                                                                                                      
pri.merges.total_docs                |                                    | docs merged                                                                                                      
merges.total_size                    | mts,mergesTotalSize                | size merged                                                                                                      
pri.merges.total_size                |                                    | size merged                                                                                                      
merges.total_time                    | mtt,mergesTotalTime                | time spent in merges                                                                                             
pri.merges.total_time                |                                    | time spent in merges                                                                                             
percolate.current                    | pc,percolateCurrent                | number of current percolations                                                                                   
pri.percolate.current                |                                    | number of current percolations                                                                                   
percolate.memory_size                | pm,percolateMemory                 | memory used by percolations                                                                                      
pri.percolate.memory_size            |                                    | memory used by percolations                                                                                      
percolate.queries                    | pq,percolateQueries                | number of registered percolation queries                                                                         
pri.percolate.queries                |                                    | number of registered percolation queries                                                                         
percolate.time                       | pti,percolateTime                  | time spent percolating                                                                                           
pri.percolate.time                   |                                    | time spent percolating                                                                                           
percolate.total                      | pto,percolateTotal                 | total percolations                                                                                               
pri.percolate.total                  |                                    | total percolations                                                                                               
refresh.total                        | rto,refreshTotal                   | total refreshes                                                                                                  
pri.refresh.total                    |                                    | total refreshes                                                                                                  
refresh.time                         | rti,refreshTime                    | time spent in refreshes                                                                                          
pri.refresh.time                     |                                    | time spent in refreshes                                                                                          
search.fetch_current                 | sfc,searchFetchCurrent             | current fetch phase ops                                                                                          
pri.search.fetch_current             |                                    | current fetch phase ops                                                                                          
search.fetch_time                    | sfti,searchFetchTime               | time spent in fetch phase                                                                                        
pri.search.fetch_time                |                                    | time spent in fetch phase                                                                                        
search.fetch_total                   | sfto,searchFetchTotal              | total fetch ops                                                                                                  
pri.search.fetch_total               |                                    | total fetch ops                                                                                                  
search.open_contexts                 | so,searchOpenContexts              | open search contexts                                                                                             
pri.search.open_contexts             |                                    | open search contexts                                                                                             
search.query_current                 | sqc,searchQueryCurrent             | current query phase ops                                                                                          
pri.search.query_current             |                                    | current query phase ops                                                                                          
search.query_time                    | sqti,searchQueryTime               | time spent in query phase                                                                                        
pri.search.query_time                |                                    | time spent in query phase                                                                                        
search.query_total                   | sqto,searchQueryTotal              | total query phase ops                                                                                            
pri.search.query_total               |                                    | total query phase ops                                                                                            
search.scroll_current                | scc,searchScrollCurrent            | open scroll contexts                                                                                             
pri.search.scroll_current            |                                    | open scroll contexts                                                                                             
search.scroll_time                   | scti,searchScrollTime              | time scroll contexts held open                                                                                   
pri.search.scroll_time               |                                    | time scroll contexts held open                                                                                   
search.scroll_total                  | scto,searchScrollTotal             | completed scroll contexts                                                                                        
pri.search.scroll_total              |                                    | completed scroll contexts                                                                                        
segments.count                       | sc,segmentsCount                   | number of segments                                                                                               
pri.segments.count                   |                                    | number of segments                                                                                               
segments.memory                      | sm,segmentsMemory                  | memory used by segments                                                                                          
pri.segments.memory                  |                                    | memory used by segments                                                                                          
segments.index_writer_memory         | siwm,segmentsIndexWriterMemory     | memory used by index writer                                                                                      
pri.segments.index_writer_memory     |                                    | memory used by index writer                                                                                      
segments.index_writer_max_memory     | siwmx,segmentsIndexWriterMaxMemory | maximum memory index writer may use before it must write buffered documents to a new segment                     
pri.segments.index_writer_max_memory |                                    | maximum memory index writer may use before it must write buffered documents to a new segment                     
segments.version_map_memory          | svmm,segmentsVersionMapMemory      | memory used by version map                                                                                       
pri.segments.version_map_memory      |                                    | memory used by version map                                                                                       
segments.fixed_bitset_memory         | sfbm,fixedBitsetMemory             | memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and type filters for types referred in _parent fields
pri.segments.fixed_bitset_memory     |                                    | memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and type filters for types referred in _parent fields
warmer.current                       | wc,warmerCurrent                   | current warmer ops                                                                                               
pri.warmer.current                   |                                    | current warmer ops                                                                                               
warmer.total                         | wto,warmerTotal                    | total warmer ops                                                                                                 
pri.warmer.total                     |                                    | total warmer ops                                                                                                 
warmer.total_time                    | wtt,warmerTotalTime                | time spent in warmers                                                                                            
pri.warmer.total_time                |                                    | time spent in warmers                                                                                            
suggest.current                      | suc,suggestCurrent                 | number of current suggest ops                                                                                    
pri.suggest.current                  |                                    | number of current suggest ops                                                                                    
suggest.time                         | suti,suggestTime                   | time spend in suggest                                                                                            
pri.suggest.time                     |                                    | time spend in suggest                                                                                            
suggest.total                        | suto,suggestTotal                  | number of suggest ops                                                                                            
pri.suggest.total                    |                                    | number of suggest ops                                                                                            
memory.total                         | tm,memoryTotal                     | total used memory                                                                                                
pri.memory.total                     |                                    | total user memory  


[Elasticsearch] 1.0.0 릴리즈 이후... 변경된 것중 하나..

Elastic/Elasticsearch 2014. 2. 14. 17:27

elasticsearch 1.0.0 에서 이전에 사용하던 API 의 return 값과 다른 것들이 좀 보입니다.

사용하시면서 기존 구조만 믿고 그냥 쓰시면 큰 낭패를 보실 수도 있을 듯 하내요.

아마도 _cat (http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/introducing-cat-api/) 기능이 들어 가면서 영향을 받은 것들이 좀 되구요.

settings, add document, get document 등도 조금씩 달라진게 있습니다.

그냥 참고들 하세요.

대표적으로 많이 바뀐 API 하나 맛보기로 보여 드립니다.

아래는 제가 쓰고 있는 책의 예제로 클러스터 구성하던걸 띄워 본거라.. 좀 길게 나오내요.. 그래서 중복된 것들은 삭제 했습니다.. ^^;

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes?pretty=true'
  "cluster_name" : "cluster_node",
  "nodes" : {
    "-Rr1fhFpTy2tYjQk9qWSQw" : {
      "name" : "node2",
      "transport_address" : "inet[/]",
      "host" : "jeong-ui-MacBook-Pro.local",
      "ip" : "",
      "version" : "1.0.0",
      "build" : "a46900e",
      "http_address" : "inet[localhost/]",
      "attributes" : {
        "master" : "true"
      "settings" : {
        "index" : {
          "mapper" : {
            "dynamic" : "true"
          "number_of_replicas" : "0",
          "number_of_shards" : "5",
          "refresh_interval" : "1s"
        "gateway" : {
          "type" : "local"
        "pidfile" : "es.pid",
        "network" : {
          "host" : "localhost"
        "node" : {
          "data" : "true",
          "master" : "true",
          "name" : "node2"
        "http" : {
          "port" : "9201",
          "enabled" : "true"
        "transport" : {
          "tcp" : {
            "compress" : "true",
            "port" : "9301"
        "name" : "node2",
        "action" : {
          "disable_shutdown" : "true",
          "auto_create_index" : "true"
        "path" : {
          "logs" : "/Users/hwjeong/server/app/elasticsearch/node2/logs",
          "home" : "/Users/hwjeong/server/app/elasticsearch/node2"
        "cluster" : {
          "name" : "cluster_node"
        "discovery" : {
          "zen" : {
            "minimum_master_nodes" : "2",
            "ping" : {
              "unicast" : {
                "hosts" : [ "localhost:9300", "localhost:9301", "localhost:9302" ]
              "multicast" : {
                "enabled" : "false"
        "foreground" : "yes"
      "os" : {
        "refresh_interval" : 1000,
        "available_processors" : 8,
        "cpu" : {
          "vendor" : "Intel",
          "model" : "MacBookPro10,1",
          "mhz" : 2400,
          "total_cores" : 8,
          "total_sockets" : 8,
          "cores_per_socket" : 16,
          "cache_size_in_bytes" : 256
        "mem" : {
          "total_in_bytes" : 8589934592
        "swap" : {
          "total_in_bytes" : 5368709120
      "process" : {
        "refresh_interval" : 1000,
        "id" : 2447,
        "max_file_descriptors" : 10240,
        "mlockall" : false
      "jvm" : {
        "pid" : 2447,
        "version" : "1.6.0_65",
        "vm_name" : "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM",
        "vm_version" : "20.65-b04-462",
        "vm_vendor" : "Apple Inc.",
        "start_time" : 1392355185303,
        "mem" : {
          "heap_init_in_bytes" : 268435456,
          "heap_max_in_bytes" : 1060372480,
          "non_heap_init_in_bytes" : 24317952,
          "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 136314880,
          "direct_max_in_bytes" : 1060372480
        "gc_collectors" : [ "ParNew", "ConcurrentMarkSweep" ],
        "memory_pools" : [ "Code Cache", "Par Eden Space", "Par Survivor Space", "CMS Old Gen", "CMS Perm Gen" ]
      "thread_pool" : {
        "generic" : {
          "type" : "cached",
          "keep_alive" : "30s"
        "index" : {
          "type" : "fixed",
          "min" : 8,
          "max" : 8,
          "queue_size" : "200"
        "get" : {
          "type" : "fixed",
          "min" : 8,
          "max" : 8,
          "queue_size" : "1k"
        "snapshot" : {
          "type" : "scaling",
          "min" : 1,
          "max" : 4,
          "keep_alive" : "5m"
        "merge" : {
          "type" : "scaling",
          "min" : 1,
          "max" : 4,
          "keep_alive" : "5m"
        "suggest" : {
          "type" : "fixed",
          "min" : 8,
          "max" : 8,
          "queue_size" : "1k"
        "bulk" : {
          "type" : "fixed",
          "min" : 8,
          "max" : 8,
          "queue_size" : "50"
        "optimize" : {
          "type" : "fixed",
          "min" : 1,
          "max" : 1
        "warmer" : {
          "type" : "scaling",
          "min" : 1,
          "max" : 4,
          "keep_alive" : "5m"
        "flush" : {
          "type" : "scaling",
          "min" : 1,
          "max" : 4,
          "keep_alive" : "5m"
        "search" : {
          "type" : "fixed",
          "min" : 24,
          "max" : 24,
          "queue_size" : "1k"
        "percolate" : {
          "type" : "fixed",
          "min" : 8,
          "max" : 8,
          "queue_size" : "1k"
        "management" : {
          "type" : "scaling",
          "min" : 1,
          "max" : 5,
          "keep_alive" : "5m"
        "refresh" : {
          "type" : "scaling",
          "min" : 1,
          "max" : 4,
          "keep_alive" : "5m"
      "network" : {
        "refresh_interval" : 5000,
        "primary_interface" : {
          "address" : "",
          "name" : "en0",
          "mac_address" : "28:CF:E9:14:C5:C9"
      "transport" : {
        "bound_address" : "inet[/]",
        "publish_address" : "inet[/]"
      "http" : {
        "bound_address" : "inet[/]",
        "publish_address" : "inet[/]",
        "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
      "plugins" : [ ]
    .................. 요기 부터 클러스터 노드 정보들로 중복 입니다.
