'Platform'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2012.02.07 [펌] * As A Service ...
  2. 2007.11.14 Platform(computing) in wikipedia.

[펌] * As A Service ...

ITWeb/스크랩 2012. 2. 7. 17:31

이 그림을 주워온 이유는 자꾸.. 헷갈려 하시는 분이 있는 것 같아 걍.. 몇자 적어 보려 함입니다.
다분히 개인적인 사견이라는 점 밝혀 드립니다.. ^^;


SaaS, PaaS, IaaS 등등 참 많이 도 있습니다.
이중에서 SaaS Architecture 를 이야기 할때.. 빠지지 않는 것이 Framework 입니다.
이건 Software 를 만들때 기반으로 사용하기 위한 틀이지 이 자체가 Service를 위한 독립적인 SW 는 아닙니다.
그럼에도 불구하고 Framework 을 Platform 고 섞어서 이야기 하시는 분들이 계시는데 그러시면 안됩니다.

Framework은  SW 를 구성하기 위한 또는 만들기 위한 하나의 편리한 개발 도구나 환경입니다.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platform (여기서 Technology 부분 참고)

Platform 은 SW 가 올라가서 실행되는 환경입니다.


Platform(computing) in wikipedia.

ITWeb/스크랩 2007. 11. 14. 15:13

ref. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platform_%28computing%29

Platform (computing)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In computing, a platform describes some sort of framework, either in hardware or software, which allows software to run. Typical platforms include a computer's architecture, operating system, or programming languages and their runtime libraries.



[edit] Hardware, operating system and virtual machine

In relation to hardware, platform often describes the set of hardware components that make up the computer itself, that the software is written to target (often just described as "written for an architecture"). Pure assembly language can be run on this hardware platform, but most commonly, operating system software is written to target it. But in doing so, it becomes a platform in itself, facilitating the running of other software that is used to target the operating system, and likewise the hardware architecture. Furthermore, software that is written for the operating system can be used to support the running of other software: for example a virtual machine (which targets a certain operating system/hardware) that is used to run other programs that are written for it, which constitutes another platform.

[edit] Java

Main article: Java Platform

Java programs are a typical example of the latter point. Java source code is "compiled" to an intermediate-language bytecode which is then interpreted by an interpreter, the JVM, which then interfaces that program with the Java software libraries. In phones, PDAs and other wireless mobile devices, these libraries are the Java ME. Some phones, even without a full fledged OS, enable Java programs such as games to operate. Java and the bytecode are said to be platform independent. But this is because Java is the platform as well as a programming language. Software really cannot operate without a platform or be platform independent. The programming language is referred to here, meaning the programmer need not be concerned about the hardware or operating system platform, nor will the language change with a different platform.

[edit] .NET

Main article: Microsoft .NET

.NET is Microsoft's answer to Sun's Java. Microsoft .NET is an umbrella term that applies to a wide collection of products and technologies from Microsoft. Most have in common a dependence on the Microsoft .NET Framework, a component of the Windows operating system.

Microsoft products and components that fall into the .NET category include:

  • The Microsoft .NET Framework, an operating system component required by most .NET products.
  • .NET Passport

[edit] Role in software

A platform is a crucial element in software development. A platform might be simply defined as 'a place to launch software'. Platforms are frequently mentioned with APIs. A complete suite of APIs constitute another type of platform. Platforms frequently are referred to as operating systems as defined above. However they are not always the same thing. For example, two other popular non-OS platforms are Java, as mentioned above, and BREW for mobile phones.

[edit] Hardware examples

[edit] Phone platforms

[edit] See also
