'Optimization'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2015.12.15 [Elasticsearch - The Definitive Guide] Index Time Optimizations

[Elasticsearch - The Definitive Guide] Index Time Optimizations

Elastic/TheDefinitiveGuide 2015. 12. 15. 13:51

그냥 좋은 내용이라 기록 합니다.


원문 Snippet)

The flexibility of query-time operations comes at a cost: search performance. Sometimes it may make sense to move the cost away from the query. In a real- time web application, an additional 100ms may be too much latency to tolerate.

By preparing your data at index time, you can make your searches more flexible and improve performance. You still pay a price: increased index size and slightly slower indexing throughput, but it is a price you pay once at index time, instead of paying it on every query.

짧게 정리 하면)

- query-time operation 은 비용이 들지만 flexible 하다.

- index-time operation 은 색인 성능이 떨어지고 저장공간이 늘어 날 수 있지만 질의 성능이 좋아지고 더욱 유연하게 사용할 수 있게 해준다.
