[영어학습] 2013-04-17
Legacy 2013. 4. 25. 00:21○the first edition of my book
○changed /dzt/
○I edited the first edition
○from X to Y
○I edited the first edition from Saturday to Tuesday
○active: I tried to translate it into Japanese
○passive: I tried to get it translated into Japanese
○he still replied = he still hasn’t replied / he hasn’t
replied yet
○hayfever - 건초열
○laryngitis - 후두염
○bronchitis - 기관지염
○ wheelchair - 바퀴의자
○a fast-ageing disease
○in April >> this month
○I will take it easy this week
○antibiotics -
[명사] (주로 복수로) 항생제, 항생물질
The doctor put her on antibiotics.
의사는 그녀에게 항생제를 처방했다.
○colds and viruses - vaccine
○bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics
○almost Korean doctors = most Korean doctors
○symptoms - 증상
○Q. What are the usual symptoms of a cold?
A. Cold symptoms include coughing, fever and
chills, headache, a sore throat and a runny nose.
Q. What are the usual symptoms of a chest
A. The symptoms of a chest infection can appear
very similar to the symptoms of a cold or a flu.
○Q. What happens when your nose runs and your
feet smell?
A. You’re built upside-down.
○you can smell [v.] things with your nose
○feet often smell [adj.]
○your feet can run
your nose can also run
○I woke up at about
○diaper - 마름모꼴 무늬가 있는 천
○I went into the kitchen/living room/bathroom
○bowl [very rounded]
○I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast
○I [went into the bathroom and] took a shower
○brushed /sht/
○ mashed
○teese teeth /θ/
○I put on my clothes = I got dressed
○I went out of home = I left home
○I got on the bus > I got off the bus
○there were it was full so I stood I had to stand up
○stairs / a set of stairs / a flight of stairs / one step
○I went through the turnstile 회전식 문
○platform -
What platform does it go from?
그 기차는 어느 플랫폼에서 떠나나요?
○at about 8 am
○I drank some+ water
○I had did my makeup
○do + makeup / do + hair
○ minutes
○ walked /워kt/ vs. woRked /weRkt/
○ were +kt
○arrivedt vs. lift
○I arrived at the Kangnam Station
○I took went up/down the escalator
○to scan/swipe/show your pass/ticket/card
○I walked onto+ the platform and waited for the train/subway [train]
○subway = 지하철
○I caught the bus
I caught the subway [train]
○I brushed my teeth
○ washed /sht/
○I prepared her bag / I packed her bag +for
○kindergarten / pre-school - 유치원
creche /kreIsh/ / childcare center - 놀이방
○I made/cooked her baked fish for breakfast
I served [formal] /gave [casual] her breakfast
○ wake - woke - woken
○and then / then / after that / after which
○very young - I dressed her
getting older - I got her dressed / I helped her
get dressed
older - she got dressed
○I went out left home
○ we took the elevator down to the car park /
bottom floor / ground floor / basement
○the apartment building
the apartment complex [group of apartments]
○ we arrived at my daughter’s child care center
○I dropped my daughter off at her child care
center / I dropped off my daughter at her child
care center, after which I walked down some
stairs to the car park where my car was.
○I got on the train and...
○it was...
half empty
half full
crowded / packed / jam-packed
○It was packed so I had to squeeze in
○at Sadang Station I transferred to the blue line to
go to Dongdaemun Station.
Chikory Ventures Session Notes 8○I went/walked up/down the stairs onto the
○At Wangshimni Station I transferred from the blue
line to the yellow line
○the train was empty so I could sit down
○I scanned my ticket and walked through the
○I sat down at my desk
○tree / train vs 트rain
○it was only half full so I got a good seat
○travel schedule = i-ti-ne-ra-ry 여객의 여행 개시부터 종료
○English hates doubles:
I exited Exit 4 > I left via Exit 4
○I went up the stairs and out through Exit 4